Stray Dog Gives Kind Rescuer A Big Hug After Realizing He Is Being Rescued
Sometimes all we need is a hug.
Chowder, a stray dog, was found by rescuers in a temporary shelter on a cold and rainy night.
Initially, the dog could not know that he was being rescued, but the dog did something that just left our hearts in awe after he realized that he was being saved by some people.
Chowder gave a huge hug to the rescuer that was saving him from a dirty temporary shelter that he was in.
The puppy was searching for shelter from the rain when he saw some old furniture that was dumped in a small dark alleyway.
He rushed underneath an old damp mattress and closed his eyes to take a quick nap.
A kind man that was passing around the area saw the dog, who was really wet.
So the man called the Stray Rescue of St. Louis, who rushed to the scene to save the pooch and give him the help that it needed.
The man gave food and water to the pooch and stayed with him until help came.
Donna Lochmann, a rescuer, was shocked when she got to reach the place because the pooch was really behaving.
The dog spent his entire life on the streets, but Chowder was calm, very trusting, and ran to the lady as soon as she pulled up her car.
It looks like the dog knew that he was being rescued.
Lochman opened her car door and invited the dog to get in, which he did right away.
The entire incident was caught on cam.
The puppy was also pictured giving Lochmann a hug after being rescued.
It is said that the dog snuggled and stayed with the woman the entire time when they were driving back to the animal shelter.
Chowder was brought to the shelter with hopes of finding him a forever home and treating the health issues that they have.
The dog has an eye infection other minimal health issues.
Let’s hope the kind pooch finds its forever home fast!