Trophy Hunter Who Paid $400,000 To Kill Rhino In Namibian National Park Allowed To Import Remains Of Rhino
The administration of President Donald Trump has issued a permit that will allow a trophy hunter from Michigan to import the skin, horns, and skull of a rare black rhino that he shot dead in the Namibian National Park in Africa in May 2018.
Documents show Chris D. Peyerk, the trophy hunter, applied for a permit that is required by the Fish and Wildlife Service to import the remains of an animal or living animals that are protected under the Endangered Species Act.
It is reported that Peyerk, a resident of Michigan, paid $400,000 to an anti-poaching program to receive permission to hunt the male rhino bull inside a national park in Namibia.
Chris killed the Rhino in May 2018.
The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) includes black rhinos in their endangered species list.
According to the IUCN, there are around 5,500 black rhinos that are alive in the wild, and over 2500 of them live in Namibia.
Under the laws of the international convention, hunters are legally allowed to kill 5 male rhinos per year.
The spokesperson of the Fish and Wildlife Service, Laury Parramore, said, “Legal, well-regulated hunting as part of a sound management program can benefit the conservation of certain species by providing incentives to local communities to conserve the species and by putting much-needed revenue back into conservation.”
The animals that are killed legally are those that are incapable of reproducing and are old. All money that is paid for killing the animal goes to conservation programs and breeding programs for the animals.
Also Read: Trophy Hunters Are Now Allowed To Kill Nearly Twice As Many Black Rhinos In South Africa
The $400,000 that was paid by Peyrek went to a trust fund that is set up by the Namibian government for wildlife management, rural development, conservation, and other programs that are aimed at promoting the coexistence of humans and wildlife.