Builder Gets 5-Foot Metal Rod Stuck Up His Bum After He Slipped Off A Roof During A Storm
A 19-year-old builder slipped off a roof during a storm and landed on a metal rod that went directly up to his bum, leaving blood spilled over the floor.
According to reports, 19-year-old Teerawat Choeykul, the laborer, was repairing the roof of a building in Bangkok, Thailand, when strong winds hit them.
The 19-year-old stepped onto the old roof tiles that broke right away.
The poor lad then plunged onto the ground below him and landed on a 5ft long metal rod, which went up to his bum.
Images that were shared on the internet show how the metal rod penetrated his body before emerging in his lower back.
The steel pole inserted into his rectum can be seen pressing against the skin in Teerawat’s lumbar region.
Thick blood could also be seen around him as he lay on the ground.
Colleagues that were at the construction site called the emergency services to find out that Teerawat had a 5 feet metal rod up his bum.
Authorities had to cut off around 1.9 feet of the stick protruding from his anus on the site so they could transport him easier to a nearby hospital.
Apichai, a friend of the 19-year-old construction worker, said:
He was fixing the broken roof that was hit by the heavy storm from the last few weeks. He stepped onto the old roof tiles. They cracked and he fell down.
Teerawat is currently being treated in a hospital and is stable.
He is expected to make a full recovery.
Jakchai Banyensakul from the Ruamkatanyu Foundation, a rescue worker, said:
The young man is lucky to have survived this as the pole could have caused much worse damage. The wounds will be sore for a several weeks but he will recover. Safety at work is especially important on construction sites and when there is wet and windy weather. So, I hope that people will see this case and be reminded to be careful.
Our thoughts and prayers are with this young guy, may you recover fast from your injuries.