Texas Man Choked And Head-Butted Girlfriend After She Said His Fart Smelled “Horrible”
A 41-year-old man from Texas chocked and head-butted his girlfriend after she said his fart smelled really horrible.
41-year-old Christopher Ragsdale was sitting next to his girlfriend at the house of his friend when he farted.
On Sunday, Ragsdale farted when he was sitting beside his girlfriend, which led the girlfriend to leave a comment.
An officer responding to a disturbance on Cranbrook Lane learned 41-year-old Ragsdale had grabbed his girlfriend by the hair and yanked her to the ground after the girlfriend said his fart smelled horrible.
Ragsdale chocked her by wrapping his arms around her neck.
The girlfriend called for help from a friend, who was in a different room in the house.
The friend who helped the girlfriend walked away from the scene to notify the police.
As the friend was calling the police, Ragsdale got in his girlfriend’s face and head-butted her.
Ragsdale was arrested by the police.
According to reports, Ragsdale is facing an assault charge and is currently being held on a bond.
Authorities did not release the current health condition of the girlfriend.