Lockheed Martin Using Microsoft’s HoloLens To Build Spacecraft Faster For NASA
According to the MIT Technology Review report, Engineers and Researchers at renowned American aerospace private company Lockheed Martin are utilizing mixed reality smartglass HoloLens provided by Microsoft to build Orion spacecraft for NASA. The spacecraft is designed to ferry humans to space destinations like to the Moon or even to Mars. And then the same spacecraft can be used to return those humans backs to Earth.
The prime contractor is the Lockheed Martin which is building Orion spaceship for NASA.
The technical team at the firm is utilizing HoloLens to learn any task or check for the directions in 15-minute increments rather than depending upon a constant feed of instructions.
The construction of the heat shield skeleton of Orion for the team is helpful with the new technology that takes the place of a 1,500-page binder full of written work instructions, and this is helping them out to perform all those task much faster, said the report on Tuesday.
But this is not the first time that NASA is partnering with Microsoft on HoloLens.
Back in the year 2015, the US space agency announced that it was creating a team along with the software company to develop Sidekick. The Sidekick was a new project which utilizes commercial technology to empower astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
The technology, Sidekick utilizes Microsoft HoloLens to provide virtual aid to those astronauts, who are working outside the Earth’s atmosphere, but are dedicating their work for the Earth. On December 6, 2015, a pair of the devices was launched to supply for the ISS.
In the year 2017, Microsoft said that the space agency NASA was utilizing the HoloLens to find out the best place on Mars to be able to build bases that would one day provide housing for the astronauts exploring the planet.
Instead of involving users in a completely computer-generated world, as is the case with virtual reality, HoloLens allows its users to be able to place 3D digital models inside the room along with them.
Microsoft HoloLens is a product of Microsoft Inc,. which is a pair of mixed reality smartglasses developed and manufactured by Microsoft. Hololens became famous as a product for becoming the first computers to run the Windows Mixed Reality under the operating system Windows 10. The HoloLens is the developed and separate version of Kinect. Kinect was an add-on available for Microsoft’s Xbox gaming console that was brought into the market in 2010.
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