Maharashtra SSC (10th) Supplementary Result 2014 (MSBSHSE)
Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) is going to announce the 10th / SSC Compartment/Supplementary Exam 2014 Result very soon on official web portal. As per source information result will be announce first or second week of September 2014. Candidates need to wait for few days only. After result declaration candidates can check their exam result by visiting the below link or official web portal.
For Maharashtra SSC Results:
Maharashtra State Board was conducted the 10th Class Examination 2014 in March/April month. More than 5 lacks candidates appeared in this exam. Result was announced in June month 2014. But many candidates are failed in this exam and appeared in reappear or compartment examination 2014. Now, appeared candidates are waiting for their result declaration. Because after the result announcement they can take admission in higher classes. They are eagerly waiting for their supplementary exam result.
Maharashtra Board of Senior and Higher Education (MSBSHSE) Result:
The Maharashtra Board of Senior and Higher Education (MSBSHSE) is going to examination results for SSC/10th class students. The Main result of Maharashtra Board was declare in the ,month of June. A large number of students was passed in the exam. But the students of 10th class who were not able to clear the annual examination are given a second chance to pass the written exam. Normally the Maharashtra Board of Senior and Higher Education (MSBSHSE) is conduct the annual examination in the month of February or March . In this Maharashtra 10th examination was conducted in the month of March . Supplementary examination of Class 10th has been conducted successfully and the students who are appeared in supplementary exam are waiting for the MSBSHSE 10th supplementary results 2014.
For Maharashtra 10th Result October:
How To Download Maharashtra SSC (10th) Supplementary Result 2014:
- To Check the Result of Maharashtra Board SSC Supplementary Exam 2014 visit the official website which is provided below the post.
- Just Click on the link Named “Maharashtra SSC Supplementary Exam Result 2014“.
- Now Enter Your “Name”, “Roll No.”, or “School Code”.
- Submit the Page.
- The Result will Take Some Time to Download on the Computer Screen as a lot of Candidates are Searching for the Result at the Same Time. Keep Patience and Check Your Result.
- You Can Take a Print out of the Result for Your Future Record.
For Maharashtra SSC(10th) Supplementary Result: