TNPSC Group-I Preliminary Exam Results 2014 Released
TNPSC Group-I Preliminary Exam Results 2014 Released: Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has released notifictaion for group 1 exam. The application process was completed and the Group1st Preliminary Exam was held on July 20th, 2014 at various centers. This exam was held to recruit people to group 1 posts.
A large number of candidates appeared for these posts there was a huge competition for these group 1 exam. This group 1 exam is conducted in two steps prelims and mains. Now only one prelims exam was completed and the results for group 1 preliminary exam are declared on the official website.
TNPSC Group-I Prelim’s Results :
All the candidates appeared for the exam are eagerly waiting for the results. The wait is completed now you can check for the results. TheGrop 1 written test was held for 79 posts. Those candidates who want to get selected for these posts will have to qualify prelims test. TNPSC group 1 was successfully held at various centres. Approximately 1.65 lakh candidates registered for the test but only 73173 appeared for this examination. Generally the aim to conduct this exam is the recruit the best candidates for a new opportunity.
Candidates appeared for the exam need to get the minimum 120 marks to qualify in this exam. 90 marks for reservation category. Those candidates qualified in the prelims are calledfor Group 1 Main exam. Those candidstes qualified in the main exam are then called for the interview.
How to Check TNPSC Group I Preliminary Exam Result :
- Visit the official website or open the link given below.
- Search for the results link.
- Click on TNPSC Group I Prelims Exam result link.
- A pdf of the Group 1 prelims results appear on the new window.
- Check whether your number is there in the list.
- If you find your number in the list you are qualified in prelims
Click Here : To Check Your TNPSC Group I Prelims Exam Result 2014
Important Note :
After you qualifing in the prelims candidates need to send the copies of the documents in support of their qualification as per the norms. The document including Educational Qualification, Date of Birth, Community, PSTM, Differently Abled, Ex-serviceman, Destitute Widow status etc. The documents should reach the TNPSC Office, Chennai on or before 17.02.2015 without fail. Document received after the stipulated date will not be accepted which might also lead to cancellation of candidature from the selection list.