1-Year-Old Indonesian Baby Drinks 1.5 Liters Of Coffee Every Day Because Parents Can’t Afford Milk
A mother from Indonesia said she is forced to feed her 1-year-old daughter three 1 liter bottles of coffee per day because they can’t buy her milk.
The mother said Hadijah, the 1-year-old girl, is addicted to caffeine.
The mother added that if they don’t give her coffee, the baby doesn’t sleep.
The 1-year-old girl is from West Sulawesi, Indonesia and according to her parents, their daughter is super active.
The 1-year-old girl stated to drink milk when she was only 6-months-old.
The parents of the girl gave her Kopi Tubruk, a cheap coffee that could be bought in Indonesia.
Anita and Sarifuddin, the parents of Hadijah, said they only earn 20,000 Indonesian Rupia every day.
Coconuts, a news agency in Indonesia, said Sarifuddin works at a coconut factory, but the money they earn is not enough to pay the day-to-day expenses.
The growth of Hadijah is normal and she is doing pretty well, said Kompas.com, a news agency.
During her interview with Kompas, Anita said, “What else can we do? Our income is not enough to buy milk. We’re forced to give her coffee every day.”
She added, “In fact, she can’t sleep if she hadn’t had coffee. She can throw a tantrum asking for coffee before bed.”
A spokesperson of the Polman Community Health visited the house of Anita and Sarifuddin, and reportedly gave milk and biscuits to the family.
The spokesperson and the team told Anita and her husband to stop feeding coffee to the girl.
The spokesperson said “over time there will be an effect, because it contains caffeine and lots of sugar.”