Biggest Pimple Ever: Dr. Pimple Popper Removes Pimple That Weighs Over A Stone
Dr. Sandra Lee, better known as Dr. Pimple Popper, opened the very first episode of the new series of her TV show by taking on a pimple that is over a stone in weight.
Dr. Lee removed the pimple from the man’s back.
Dr. Lee described the pimple-like a human brain and said that it weighed over 12 pounds.
Farmer Tim, who lives in Walstonburg, North Carolina, said he had the 12lb lump on his back for the last 10 years.
During an interview, Tim said, “It’s heavy. I’m walking with a limp due to the extra weight.”
Tim added, “I’ve seen doctors but I’ve kept putting it off. But the lump is in the way. Driving a tractor hurts.”
Due to the lump on his back, Tim did not go out with his friends and stayed single.
Dr. Lee said this is the biggest lump she had ever seen.
Dr. Lee believes it is a record-breaking lipoma.
Dr. Lee talked about the lump and said, “The bigger the bump, the bigger the closure. It’s not something I take lightly.”
Dr. Lee tried to remove the lipoma out of the man’s back in one go by going with a small closure.
Dr. Lee said, “I have given birth to two baby boys and neither of them was the size and weight of this that I took out of Tim’s body. It’s the heaviest mass I’ve removed.”
After the surgery, Tim said he is going back to the dating scene.
He also thanked Dr. Sandra Lee for changing her life and called her an “awesome lady”.
Dr. Sandra Lee shared the video of the surgery on Instagram.
A person said, “Damn some of these hurt my soul”