Bull Has Its Horns Set On Fire By Crowd Before Being Knifed To Death In Spanish Festival
Earlier this week, a video surfed the net and showed a bull wincing in pain when its horns were set on fire by the crowd of a Spanish Bull Festival and when it was knifed to death.
The video was reportedly taken by an animal activist in Spain.
The video shows the bull being dragged to a wooden post so its horns could be braced to it.
A man then comes towards the bull and sets its horn on fire before cutting the helpless bull open.
Spectators, including children, cheered while runners grabbed the tail of the bull and tossed sand and bottles towards it.
It is reported that the bull was trapped in a metal cage afterward.
It is believed that the poor bull was knifed down when it was in the cage.
Activists from the “Animal Guardians” and the “Torture Is Not Culture” said that the cruel and horrific incident happened at the Lu Vall d’Uixó in eastern Spain.
Jose Enrique Zaldivar, the president of AVATMA, a veterinary group that campaigns against bull killing events, said bulls are afraid of fire.
Jose explained, “Once the balls or torches that are placed on their horns are lit, the presence of fire causes the animal to be terrified. Since it is instinctively identified as another danger sign, it increases his stress and anguish much more.”
Animal rights groups are now preparing to file an official complaint against the government of Castellon.
It is reported that the government of Castellon gave financial support and promotional support to the bull fire event.
Marta Esteban of Animal Guardians also released a statement about the incident.
Marta said, “When they use adult bulls like these which have never been in a bullfight, the regulations say they must be taken to the slaughterhouse alive. It is considered a ‘very serious infringement’ of the law not to do so.”
Marta added, “But then we saw that they introduced the typical knife that it is used in traditional bullfights to give the bull the coup de grace.”
Jose Cubells of the Torture Is Not Culture said that the killing that is shown in the images is just one of the many that they have seen.
He said, “We have observed numerous infractions, such as the throwing of sand, bottles, and clothing at the animals’ faces, the latter of which could have caught fire and burned the animals. We also observed kicking the animals from behind the bars and introducing the animals into the boxes with their horns still on fire, which could have set fire to the whole structure.”
He added, “We are preparing an official complaint about the Territorial Unit of Castellón.”