Parents of Hemi Goodwin-Burke files petition to keep toddler’s killer in jail
Thousands of people joined the parents of a slain toddler that were demanding to keep the killer of the boy inside prison after he launched a bid for early released after spending 4 years in prison.
33-year-old Matthew James Ireland was sentenced to spend 8 years and 6 months in jail after pleading guilty in the manslaughter of Hemi Goodwin-Burke, he killed the 18-month-old baby in 2015 in Moranbah, North Queensland.
Matthew became eligible for parole on June 1, 2019, and the 33-year-old man has applied for parole.
This means that the murdered could become a free man in just 3 weeks.
The news sparked outrage from Shane Burke and Kerri-Ann Goodwin, the parents of Hemi Goodwin-Burke.
The family has created a page on Facebook that is called “Justice for Hemi”.
In the page, Kerri-Ann posted, ‘Yesterday, our family was told the unbelievable news which, we still can’t fathom. Hemi’s killer has applied for parole, you dirty, scum, oxygen thief, you took our son’s life and you destroyed our girls lives.’
She added, ‘Now, you think you can come back out to relive your life, after only doing four years for violently beating our son to death, this is a joke! My head and heart are spinning a hundred miles per hour, how on earth can this be happening!’
Shane Burke and Kerri-Ann Goodwin are now pleading their case to the parole board, they will be explaining why the 33-year-old murderer should stay inside the prison.
During an interview with the Daily Mercury, Shane Burke said, ‘This wasn’t an accident. He beat Hemi to death. I just think it’s so insulting to Hemi’s memory and to the Queensland community as well.’
Mr. Burke added, ‘We want to keep our community safe. A child’s life is worth more than four years.’
A petition was set up on Change.org, and since it has been up, as of last week the petition had more than 5200 signs.
The petition is calling on Michael Burke, the parole board president, to reject the parole application of Matthew James Ireland.
In the petition, Shane Burke and Kerri-Ann Goodwin said, ‘Our baby was violently pushed, punched and kicked in a sustained and vicious attack by a full grown man … 78 bruises, ruptured internal organs, fractured bones, and a severed brain stem. And his killer is going to be set free after only FOUR YEARS? HOW IS THIS FAIR?’
The petition added, ‘How can a parole board even consider this baby killer to be rehabilitated? ‘the petition states. This is a matter of public safety. We can not let this convicted child killer into our community where he could violently take another child’s life.’
Shane Burke and Kerri-Ann Goodwin also say that Ireland spent his first 2 years in remand while he was waiting to get sentenced.
Both Shane Burke and Kerri-Ann Goodwin are grateful for the support that they have received, especially for the petition.