Woman’s Fart Causes Fire To Erupt During Her Own Surgery
A patient in Japan ended up causing a fire to erupt, and the reason? Her own fart, says a report.
The patient, who was not named, was undergoing surgery that involved a laser being used on her cervix.
During the surgery, the woman farted and it caused a fire to erupt inside the operating room.
According to a report by the hospital, the unfortunate timing of the fart ignited the laser that was being used.
The patient was in her 30s and she was left screaming in pain after the fire apparently burnt massive chunks of her body.
She ended up damaging her waist and legs.
The surgery was being carried out in the Shinjuku Ward of the hospital.
The incident happened on April 15, 2016.
The committee report clarified that no flammable materials were used in the operation of the woman.
They also eliminated any possibility of a gas leak.
The report by the hospital said:
When the patient’s intestinal gas leaked into the space of the operation (room), it ignited with the irradiation of the laser, and the burning spread, eventually reaching the surgical drape and causing the fire.
The Tokyo Medical University Hospital at that time was the only hospital in the country that used robots during the surgery.