The Music You Hear Reflects Your Personality and Here is How

Psychologists at the University of Cambridge to study according to develop the single personality which imposes musical taste.If there were doubts, a group of psychologists from the University of Cambridge, UK, have produced to study the music that confirms the preference, determined by personality traits. The novelty of the research is that this time, we have tried to analyze the relationship between the thinking of each single and their musical tastes. The report’s findings determine that the people who enjoy empathy premium over the soft musical styles, such as blues, jazz, and country by contrast, the compositions of heavy metal or punk never enter into his repertoire.Those who identify with the systematization, instinctively or the ability to understand the rules, by a general rule, listens to more powerful rhythms.

Musical Tastes:

These findings do not contradict those derived from previous studies on the subject cataloging each person based on their musical tastes.The versatility of mind and lack of barriers related to blues, jazz, and classical music.Who extroverts enjoy being surrounded by people, prefer pop, funk and all those melodic streams that allow them to dance without stopping.

 listening to music

Classical Music, blues, jazz, and soul

One is driven research by academics Adrian North and David Hargreaves, with the recognition of the university of Leicester and based on findings ITS data collected after answers about evaluating the musical habits of more than 2,500 volunteers. It retrieves the findings are whose musical tastes are bounded by personality traits and the music is used as a means to regulate emotions. For his part, Samuel Gosling and Peter Rentfrow, belonging to the university of Texas, distinguish four categories to a group in which the musical context of a gross population is identified.
So, fans of classical music, blues, jazz, and soul are known for their emotional strength and, as the Cambridge researchers claimed, usually tolerant and open-minded.

The music you hear reflects your personality

Fans of country and pop individuals are revealed as more conservators and outgoing.They enjoy an active social life and the crowds curiously, his verbal skills are not overly developed.

The rock and heavy metal are identified with some degree of rebellion and impulsiveness that makes them stand out where ever they go. They have a personal style and rely heavily on intelligence.

Lovers of a soul, the funk and hip-hop and electronic music, are open, liberal and somewhat clueless.They love the sport and with certain exceptions, not much repair faults of others.

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