AP NTSE Exam Hall Tickets 2015 Released: Download National Talent Search Examination Admit Cards
The Directorate of Govt Examinations of Andhra Pradesh is going to conduct National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) to provide the scholarship to the students having high intellect and academic talent. A large number of interested and eligible candidates applied for the examination for the year 2015-16. All the candidates who had applied for the exam are searching for the admit cards as the exam is scheduled on 7th November and 8th November 2015 respectively. Candidates can download the admit cards from the official website or from the direct link provided below as the National Council Of Educational Research and training (NCERT) released the admit cards.
AP NTSE Hall Tickets 2015:
National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a national-level scholarship program in the Indian Union to identify and recognize students with high intellect and academic talent. It is one of the most prestigious exams in India. Close to 300,000 students (a largely self-selective group of students) appear in this scholarship exam every year, and 1,000 scholarships are awarded, out of which 775 are not reserved. This year AP government invited application sto award the scholarships to the eligible candidates. Aspirants who had applied for the exam can get their hall tickets/admit cards from the official website. The examination is conducted in two stage. The students who qualify second stage are eligible for the scholarship. The amount of scholarship has been enhanced to Rs.1250 per month for class XI and XII and Rs.2000 per month for students studying undergraduate and above. The scholarship is provided immediately after the result. In case students have not received the letter from NCERT after 5 weeks of the declaration of the result, they should contact NCERT for updates.
Download AP NTSE Hall Tickets 2015:
Every year 100 scholarships are provided to the students who qualify in the examination and prove their talent and intelligent in the NTSE. Candidates who had applied for the NTSE can download the admit cards/hall tickets as it is the important document to carry for the exam and contains details regarding the exam venue, duration of the exam etc. Candidates can download the admit cards from the official website or from the direct link provided below which are available now.
Name of the Organization: National Council Of Educational Research and training (NCERT)
Name of the Exam: National Talent Search Examination (NTSE)
Date of First Stage of the Exam: 7th and 8th November 2015
Date of Second Stage of the Exam: 8th May 2016
Category: Admit Cards
Release of Admit Cards: Released
Examination Pattern:
The examination is conducted in two stages. Students who qualify first stage are eligible to appear for the national level examination (about top 4000+ students from the entire country). The national level examination has two parts for nominating the required number of candidates. Students studying overseas but are Indian citizens can participate in NTSE second stage directly.
Part-I: Mental Ability Test (MAT) + Language (English / Local Language):
Mental Ability Test will have total 50 questions of total 50 marks. The duration of the paper will be 45 minutes.
Part-II: Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
It will be a language test and will consist of 50 questions of total 50 marks. The duration of the paper will be 45 minutes.
Steps to Download AP NTSE Hall Tickets 2015:
- Candidates should visit the official website or the link given below.
- Click on Download NTSE Hall Tickets 2015
- Enter your registration number and date of birth in the provided fields.
- Click on submit button.
- NTSE Hall Ticket 2015 will appear on the screen.
- Download and take a printout of the admit card.
- Carry admit card/hall ticket to the examination
Click Here: To Download AP NTSE Hall Tickets 2015
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