TELANGANA TSPSC Civil Engineering AEE Previous Year Model Question Papers: Downlaod
Telangana Board TS PSC AEE Civil Engineers Previous Question Papers Download: Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has released the much-awaited TSPSC notification for Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE) to recruit the unemployed civil engineer graduates initially in the state by conducting examination in the month of September, 2015. TSPSC has planned to recruit the eligible and talented candidates and fill the 770 vacancies of AEE posts in Rural Development, Roads and Buildings (R&B) Dept., Public Health Dept and Irrigation department. The TSPSC will select the candidates for these posts on the basis of merit scored in the written test followed by Interview. The new exam scheme and syllabus for the recruitment to the posts of Assistant Executive Engineers in various engineering services is available at the official notification published on the official website of TSPSC www.tspsc.gov.in.
Telangana TSPSC Recruitment of 770 AEE Posts for Civil Engineers:
Chairman of Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC), Ganta Chakrapani, released the notification schedule of 770 posts in the state of Telangana as a part of the first phase of recruitment of state government jobs. Most of the TSPSC job recruitment notification includes the posts of Telangana State Panchayat Raj Department.
The 770 vacancies for AEE posts for the various departments are divided as Rural Development (418 Posts), Roads and Buildings R&B department (83 Posts), Public Health Dept (121 Posts), Irrigation (143 Posts).
TSPSC AEE Civil Engineering Previous Papers 2015:
This is the first employment notification released by the TSPSC and this has brought the joy and celebrations among the Telangana state government jobs seeking candidates. Huge number of candidates has been waiting for the recruitment exams of TS government since long time. Hence, there is definitely going to be a tough and healthy competition among the students those who are going to appear for the examination in the month of September 2015. Candidates have to prepare rigorously for the exam in order to overcome the competition. Aspirants need to be aware of the exam syllabus, pattern and make schedule for the preparation. Previous model question papers helps a lot in their preparation and gives an idea about the exam so that the candidates can analyze what type of questions might be asked in the exam. In order to help you guys, we came forward with all the previous model papers for the TSPSC Assistant Executive Engineers (Civil) examination 2015.
TSPSC AEE Civil Engineering Previous Papers Download pdf:
The recruitment for TSPSC AEE posts will include 2 stages i.e., written exam and interview. The written exam is an objective type which is conducted for 450 marks with Paper 1 and Paper 2. The interview is for 50 marks.
Paper-I: General Studies and General Abilities
Paper-II: Civil Engineering (Degree Level)
After the separation of two states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, this is the first time TSPSC is recruiting candidates for the AEE posts. As this is first exam in Telangana for AEE posts, TSPSC AEE previous model papers will not be available. So, here we are providing the previous model papers of APPSC AEE previous papers for Civil Engineering. Previously, the APPSC has conducted the exam for 3 papers and now TSPSC is going to conduct for 2 papers. There is no change in the exam pattern and syllabus. Hence there will be no difference in the model papers too.
All Candidates who applied for this TSPSC AEE exam 2015 are recommended to have a look on APPSC Civil Engineer AEE previous model papers, to get an idea about the pattern of the question paper, priority of the questions, questions asked from which area and time management. Here we have provided the previous model papers for both paper 1 (General Studies and General Abilities) and paper 2 (Civil Engineering-Degree Level). So, all the Telangana State candidates who had applied and who are going to apply for TSPSC AEE (civil) posts can download the previous Model Papers of the APPSC AEE recruitment exam from here.
Here we provide you the previous year Question Papers 2015:
Paper-I: General Studies and General Abilities
AEE-General Studies-Previous Paper-2012: Download
AEE-General Studies-Previous Paper-2012 key: Download
AEE-General Studies-Previous Paper-2008 with key: Download
AEE-General Studies-Previous Paper-2007 with key: Download
AEE-General Studies-Previous Paper-English-2004 with key: Download
AEE-General Studies-Previous Paper-Telugu-2004: Download
Paper-II: Civil Engineering (Degree Level)
AEE-Civil Engineering-Paper 2-2004 with key: Download
AEE-Civil Engineering-Paper 2-2003: Download
AEE-Civil Engineering-Paper 2-1993: Download
AEE-Civil Engineering-Paper 2-1992: Download
AEE-Civil Engineering-Paper 2-1987: Download
AEE-Civil Engineering-Paper 2-1984: Download
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