Hacker Group Anonymous Accuses US Cyber Firm of Protecting & Enhancing Security for ISIS Websites
The hackers group, Anonymous has accused a cyber firm from Silicon Valley in the US of protecting ISIS websites and enhancing security for them from being hacked. The Silicon Valley computer firm which is named CloudFlare us helping ISIS bolsters speeding up and improving their online security. Hacktivists claimed that the startup CloudFlare is providing their services to the ISIS terrorists with some programs that are defending their websites against the Anonymous hacks.
Anonymous, the hacker group, who vowed to attack the terrorist group’s internet activity in response to the attacks in Paris, have accused a tech start-up CloudFlare of protecting pro-militant websites. CloudFlare is a startup company that offers services to almost four million customers by speeding up the website loading times and helps defend against cyber attacks. They are responsible for preventing Denial of Service attacks where websites are overwhelmed with traffic so they are compelled to shut down, consequently stopping any attempts at this from Anonymous.
CloudFlare Protects ISIS Websites from Cyber Attacks
CloudFlare is a startup company of Silicon Valley in the US have been accused by the Anonymous hackers group for protecting the ISIS websites who were responsible for the dreadful Paris attacks. When Anonymous tried to get online and remove their website, the technology provided by CloudFare has been preventing them from the hacker group’s cyber attack. A recent report from the Anonymous accused the startup CloudFare of protecting 40 websites with links to terrorism which even include 37 purely pushing propaganda.
Anonymous posted on Twitter: ‘Once again, @CloudFlare have been found to be providing services to pro-#IslamicState websites. Shameful. #OpISIS #Daesh #Anonymous.’
Anonymous group demanded the startup firm on Twitter to remove their protection for the ISIS websites. They even warned them as, if they don’t remove them, then it will be done for you.
Matthew Prince CloudFlare’s co-founder and CEO told The Register that ‘I’d suggest this was armchair analysis by kids – it’s hard to take seriously. Anonymous uses us for some of its sites, despite pressure from some quarters for us to take Anonymous sites offline.’
He added that if cops or federal authorities came to their San Francisco office then they would cooperate, suggesting he would rather take advice from the State Department or U.S. Government over a faceless Twitter user.
He said: “A website is a speech. It is not a bomb. There is no imminent danger it creates and no provider has an affirmative obligation to monitor and make determinations about the theoretically harmful nature of speech a site may contain … If we were to receive a valid court order that compelled us to not provide service to a customer then we would comply with that court order. We have never received a request to terminate the site in question from any law enforcement authority, let alone a valid order from a court.”
This is the response of the startup ClouFlare’s CEO that even if the firm is hosting sites for ISIS, it wouldn’t be of any use to them. The company denied the allegations by the hackers group insisting that helping the brutal terrorists is of no use for the tech firm.