Stray Cat Brings All Her Sick Kittens To Woman That Saved Her Life When She Was Starving
Love is something that will last forever.
Lisianne was in her yard on a sunny day when she spotted an adorable fluffy black colored cat that was wandering in her area.
The cat was reportedly belonging to a colony of stray cats that were living near her house, which is located in Quebec, Canada.
The cat was hungry, said Lisianne, so she placed a bowl of water and food.
Lisianne named the cat Usagi.
Usagi would come most of the time to the house of Lisianne when she got hungry, so the kind woman started to set out food and water for the cat every single day.
Usagi started to trust the woman more, and Lisianne realized that she was getting hungrier every time.
The belly of Usagi started to grow and Lisianne realized that it was not from her new diet, it was for her babies.
During a post that she made on Facebook, Lisianne said:
With this routine, the lady gained confidence and the kitty started getting close. The kitty gave birth outside, but she came back every day to eat.
After some time, an unexpected thing happened.
Usagi, the cat, decided to introduce Lisianne to her little family.
The cat brought out her babies one by one until all 6 of them were lined up on the Lisianne’s porch.
It was clear that Usagi and her little ones needed some help.
Lisianne coaxed the mother and her babies inside her house.
She then called Chatons Orphelins Montreal to inform them about the babies.
Chatons Orphelins Montreal released a statement about the rescue by saying:
The mom and her six babies were finally safe. [Lisianne] decided to keep the mom [and] treated and spayed her and one of her friends took one of the kittens under her wing.
Rescue workers that were looking after Usagi and her kittens realized that the cat had asked for help just in time.
The remaining kittens were suffering from conjunctivitis and had difficulty breathing.
Luckily, the vet managed to treat them on time and the babies started to show improvement right away.
As they healed, the cats started to feel more comfortable around humans.
Chatons Orphelins Montréal added:
The babies were reserved, they needed socialization. They started trusting and coming out of their shell. The little ones love having fun together.
The remaining 5 kittens are now ready to search for their forever homes.
Such an amazing story to share with you guys!
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