Beware Of Antibiotics Stuffed Sweets
COLDS – The return of autumn is synonymous with a sore throat. Experts ascend to the front to denounce the presence of antibacterial in tablets supposed to relieve. With the late summer and fall temperatures, viruses are back. And, while we are already numerous cough, sputter, in short, to suffer throat, an expert panel mounts to the front to raise awareness of the presence of antibiotics, which may go unnoticed, in the pellets for relieving pain in the trachea.
Three out of four Swiss unaware that many of these pills contain antibiotics,” says Yves Platel pharmacist in Zurich and a member of this committee called NEXT (New Strategy Expert for the treatment of a sore throat), raising again: “This lack challenges especially as 77% of Swiss are fundamentally critical of antibiotics and 86% of them consider their use in tablets cons sore throat inopportune.”
Fighting against marketing
In short, while they do not see a good eye antibacterial, many people ingest regularly without their knowledge. And above all, without need, because the majority of a sore throat are viral.
So, why to bring killers of bacteria in this therapeutic candy? “This is history! These products are manufactured to the same formula forever, and at the time it was thought that perhaps the presence of a local antibiotic made them more efficient, “suggests Pierre-Alain Rey, head of the Pharmacy Chailly in Lausanne.”Today, we are conscious that there are antibiotic resistance issues and the need to reduce their consumption, but it is difficult to fight against the marketing some drugs are covered.
A real problem? Thomas Blasi, pharmacist Geneva relativized. “When suffering from oral disease, it is not excluded that there is a bacterium that behind. Therefore, a tablet with an antibiotic may prevent it is situated lower. Obviously, do not abuse, but these products are just bad enough that we did not want to eat simply as candy. ”
Still, for experts, pharmacists and doctor’s NEXT group, it is important that healthcare professionals are mobilizing to better information to customers. “The advice in cases of a sore throat is important. The pharmacy is not a supermarket but a competence center, “emphasizes Yves Platel. In fact, there are some tablets against a sore throat without antibiotics, notes Pierre-Alain Rey: “Sometimes just a simple candy sucking, eucalyptus or sage, for example, to relieve themselves.”