Passive Smokers Have An Increased Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes And Obesity

Adults who are exposed to snuff smoke have rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes than those of non-smokers not exposed to smoke snuff. Such are the findings of a study presented at the 94th congress of the American Society of Endocrinology. Several studies have shown an association between smoking addiction and increased risk of type 2 diabetes, smokers are often usually thinner than non-smokers.
Suggested some reports, although a possible link between passive smoking and type 2 diabetes, measured in terms of cotinine levels in the blood. Cotinine is an alkaloid produced in the body when exposed to nicotine that is mainly used to assess it all the extent of passive smoking of a non-smoker.

Adults exposed to snuff smoke…

In the study presented at the congress of the society for Endocrinology, whose data from 6,300 adults participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, NHANES) between 2001 and 2006 analyzed.


“Passive smoking”

The study defined as active smoking to those who regularly smoked cigarettes and had a cotinine level greater than 3 nanograms per milliliter blood. 25% of the sample was consistent with this definition.The study defined as “non-smoking” to those who answered “no” to the question “Do you smoke. Cigarette?” and whose blood cotinine level was less than 0.05 ng / mL. Finally, people who answered no to the question but whose cotinine level was above 0.05 ng / mL were defined as “passive smoking”.These were 34% of the total.

After analyzing the data taking into account conditioning factors: such as age, sex, race, alcohol, consumption or physical activity, the data revealed passive smokers that have an increased risk of insulin resistance, one of the factors that can cause diabetes type 2. They also had higher levels of blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c. Also, passive smokers had a higher rate of type 2 diabetes; moreover, the rate of type 2 diabetes among passive smokers was similar to the rate among current smokers.

They also had a Body Mass Index (BMI) compared with nonsmokers.Regular smokers have a lower BMI but a high level of blood hemoglobin A1c. Finally, both smokers and passive smokers regularly as hemoglobin A1c levels or assets were those of much higher than non-smokers

The authors close up commercial therefore that the association between passive smoking and type 2 diabetes is not due to obesity and concluded that further studies are needed to determine why passive smoking would be associated with diabetes. They also claim that should increase health authorities measures to limit exposure to smoke snuff.

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