19 Unfamiliar Facts About Bhagat Singh, Must Be Read on His 108th Birth Anniversary
Inspiring soul of India, Bhagat Singh Bhagat Singh aka Shaheed Bhagat Singh was born on 28th September 1907 who had been a great Indian socialist and a revolutionary the nation had ever witnessed. His selfless sacrifice for the freedom of millions of Indians would be cherished for millions of years. Though it had been 84 years this Independence Movement’s most influential revolutionary Bhagat Singh’s sacrifice while till today many of his principles are misinterpreted. Here are some of the very unfamiliar facts which would distinctly illuminate about his life and love for the nation on his 108th birth anniversary.
#1. He Dreamed of Independent India at an Early Age as a Passionate Child About it.
He dreamed of a free India during his childhood in those days when people of India were bruised for doing so. At the age of 8, he talked about driving out Britishers from India and not about the games or toys.
#2. Used to be Called as Bhagwanwala – ‘Son of God’
Bhagat Singh was called as Bhagwanwala during his childhood by his grandmother which means child of God. Indeed he was, who was born for a great cause.
#3. Bhagat Singh was alumni of National College of Lahore.
Bhagat Singh joined National College of Lahore after completing his schooling from Dayanand Anglo Vedic High.
#4. He was a polyglot or multilingual of 5 languages.
At an early age, Bhagat Singh mastered fluency in five (5 languages) which submits his intelligence. Those five languages he was fluent was English, Arabic, Polish, French and Swedish.
#5. An actor who left everyone lost-and-found.
One of the most undisclosed fact is that Bhagat Singh was an ancestor of the Bollywood star Aamir Khan whose family had been in acting for a long time. We call Aamir Khan as a great actor while have you ever called back from where did his acting talent came. Bhagat Singh has to be credited for this who played roles in many theatre drama’s during his school and college days. Some of his roles in plays such as Rana Pratap, Samrat Chandragupta, and Bharata durdesha were heralded.
#6. Run away from Marital life emerged as brave soul of India.
Bhagat Singh run away from his house at an early age visualizing his need for the nation’s battle of freedom. Teenage which is usually conceived of a lurking with love and other addictions showed no effect upon him. Even at the age of eight he told his classmates “is marriage a big achievement? Anybody can marry. But I will drive the British out of India.” He run away from his parents, leaving behind a letter which explained his family his motives, who wished to get married to hold on his revolutionary thoughts.
#7. Couched inspiring slogan “Inquilab Zindabad” for young India, which has lost its sheen these days.
The slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ was redacted by Bhagat Singh which is considered of uniting millions of young Indians to fight for the nation selflessly. Though this slogan is used usually during many public addresses while it had lost its sheen due to Indian politicians.
#8. Bhagat Singh was a great writer.
Apart from being a freedom fighter, rebel and visionary leader he was also a great writer whose writings have barracked many. During his sentence in jail he used write for several newspapers while after being sentenced with death penalty he wrote his days a dairy where he poured out his heart. He is article “why am I atheist?” clearly gave a comprehension of why he lost believe in God although it was published after his execution it was highly acclaimed.
#9. Differed with Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi despite Being he was True Indian Patriot and Freedom Fighter.
Motives and objective of Bhagat Singh were to attain freedom for India which was captive under the rule of British’s while he differed with MK Gandhi who is referred as pioneer for the freedom movement of India. Mahatma Gandhi condemned Bhagat Singh’s stand of attaining freedom through sacrifices and a few violent acts if needed. Although Bhagat Singh made clear his stand and beliefs stating that a man like Gandhi who himself has never indulges in the middles class people can never understand the pain of poor people.
#10. Turned Out as Atheist Though Born in Sikh Family
Despite being born in Sikh family and taught to pray regularly with all the verses which were by heart to him, he later claimed himself as an atheist after reading the work of Marx, Lenin and Trotsky empathizing the reality of this world.
# 11. Worshiped Blood Mud of Jalianwala Bagh Massacre Victims
Bhagat Singh who was filled with revolutionary ideas and dreamed of free India from the clutches of British empire was inspired to sacrifice his life in the battle of freedom the with the Jalianwala Bagh incident. On returning home he said to sister “Look at this. this is blood of our people killed by British.Salute it.” 12 years old Bhagat Singh collected a bottle of mud wet with blood of Indians who were brutally killed by General Dyer and worshiped the bottle throughout his lifetime.
#12. Led Bomb Blast Central Assembly in Delhi.
Bhagat Singh along with his associates threw a bomb in the Central Assembly in Delhi which was made from low grade explosives and carried out with intentions of harming no one which was confirmed by the British investigation into the incident and forensics report.
#13. Strange to Many Hearts But Bhagat Singh was Non-Violent.
Bhagat Singh was compelled to follow the path of violence due to a few most disturbing circumstances while he was a non-violent person. Non-violent ideas and principles of him can be perceived by his clean and clear intentions of harming no one while execution of bomb blast in Central Assembly in Delhi and many other instances of his life. He made it sure that the bomb was made from very low grade explosive which was able to make just a loud noise and could be able to produce clouds of smoke in the court while the murder of Saunder was too a case of mistaken identity.
#14. Fought for Rights in Prison Too
The rebel Bhagat Singh demanded for his and other Indian freedom fighters who were prisoner for the basic amenities which were offered to only British looters and goons in the jail coining a word “political prisoner.”
#15. Carried Out Hunger Strike for 116 Days
Bhagat Singh carried out hunger strike condemning the pathetic condition of the jail for 116 days surpassing then record of 97 days set by a Irish revolutionary. He called off the strike after being persuaded by Congress party and his father on 5th October 1929. It is being reported that he lost 14 pounds (6.4 kg) weight from 133 pounds (60 kg) before the strike and was carried to the court handcuffed on a stretcher.
#16. Bhagat Singh was Voracious Reader
Bhagat Singh is referred as a devouring reader of his times who read many books which have been listed out in a website which is being published in his honor. Check out list of the books which influenced him during his lifetime and http://www.shahidbhagatsingh.org
#17. Hanged an 11 Hours Early of Said Official Time
Bhagat Singh and his close aides, associates above true friends Rajguru and Sukhdev were hanged 11 hours ahead of the official time. The trio were secretly cremated on the banks of the river Sutlej by jail authorities while his family members and rest people secretly cremated on the banks of the river Sutlej by jail authorities after being through this news.
#18. Carried Enchanting Smile Always
Sources close to him claimed that Bhagat Singh used to carry capturing smile on his face despite being through hardships of prison sentence and gallows during his jail term shouting the slogans against the British Raj.
#19. Was More Popular than Mahatma Gandhi in India
Bhagat Singh was more popular than the than freedom fighters for his brave feats and sacrifices for the nation. He was backed by Subhas Chandra Bose who said “Bhagat Singh had become the symbol of the new awakening among the youths.”
Admitting popularity of Bhagat Singh, Pandit Jawaharlal said that the popularity of him was leading to a new national awakening in his saying “He was a clean fighter who faced his enemy in the open field … he was like a spark that became a flame in a short time and spread from one end of the country to the other dispelling the prevailing darkness everywhere.”
Last but not the least we would like to recall one of the best and ever inspiring quote of Legendary freedom fighter Sardar Bhagat Singh.
They may kill me, but they cannot kill my ideas. They can crush my body, but they will not be able to crush my spirit.”
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