15 Everyday Ways To Become A Better Indian Starting this Independence Day

India is a big Country with diversity in Religions, Cultures and Traditions and we believe this makes India stand out and We Indians can really be proud of this. But as India is developing it is taken off by many issues from Corruption to Pollution to many more. Nevertheless remember we citizens are the one who are solely responsible for the development of this country and here in this post we are going to share some simple points which are not so difficult to follow in our day to day life. Remember “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

So lets look at the points that make us a Good and Responsible Citizen…

1. Keep your surroundings and locality clean. Be responsible, dispose your garbage in the right place.

Keep your surroundings and locality clean

2. Don’t Waste. Save Electricity (Switch off lights), Food & Water. Money is yours but resources belong to all.

Don't Waste Electricity, Food & Water

3. Help the Poor and Needy.


4. Don’t Bargain With the Poor People. People do not realize that the profits made in the mall are far higher than what a rickshaw puller makes.

Don't Bargain With rickshaw puller

5. Don’t Rush. It’s only a matter of few minutes.

Don't Rush. It's only a matter of few minutes.

6. Use alternatives to plastics whenever possible.

Use alternatives to plastics

7. Contribute in a child’s future by donating money or cloths to the organizations.

Contribute in a child's future

8. Take responsibility for your actions.

9. Empower Women. Country progresses when it’s women progress.


10. Protect the environment by Tree planting.

Protect the environment by planting Trees.

11. Respect the property of others.

12. Stay Fit & Healthy by doing Yoga & Exercise. Work Hard.

Stay Fit & Healthy by doing Yoga & Exercise

13. Respect all Citizens. Smile & Greet.

Respect all Citizens. Smile & Greet

14. Help Each other

Help Each other

15. Obey the law and respects authority

Obey the law and respects authority

Happy Independence Day…. 😀 😀

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