GK & GS Questions Asked In Railway RRB NTPC April 2, 3 Exam
Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRB) successfully conducting online examination for the recruitment of NTPC Non-Technical Popular Categories (Graduate) posts of various Zonal Railways / Production Units on Indian Railways from 28th March 2016. A huge umber of candidates applied and appeared for the examination across various centers in India.
Aspirants who have appeared for the exam can check the review and analysis for all the slots here. Is the paper easy or tough in other students view? What would be the cutoff marks for this paper now? Am I going qualify in this?. You can get your questions get clarified once you go through this. Here we providing the information about the exam Review, Analysis, Answer key and Cutoff Marks.
GK Questions asked in RRB Exam on April 3:
- Most abundant natural combustible gas? Methane
- Who is Karl Marx? Philospher
- Male is the capital of which country? Republic of Maldives
- What is Planet X? Nibiru cataclysm (Dark Red Star)
- India got freedom on 15th August in which time day/night/noon/midnight? Midnight
- What is the foundation year of Arunachal Pradesh? 1987
- Change in position with distance is? Magnitude
- UNO headquarters? New York
- What was the duration of PM Modi’s America visit in 2015? 5 Days
- Indian wrestler who won Olympic quota in 2015? Narsingh Yadav
- Gravitational Force on two subjects depends on? Combined mass and the distance
- Holi is celebrated with? Gulal (colours)
- 1st Nobel prize in medicine was given for inventing vaccine for which disease? Diphtheria
- Adhai Din Ka Jhopda is in? Ajmer,Rajasthan
- What is Oneirology? Scientific study of dreams
- Who was Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1999? Nawaz sharif
- What is Serbian Traded Index? Capitalization-weighted price index
- Most Peaceful country according to 2015 peace index? Iceland
- Mica is abundant in which state of India? Jharkhand
- Which crop is produced in large quantities in India? Rice
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- Which is not an operating system (OS X,Windows 98,C++,Windows 7)? C++
- Which Vitamin responsible for clotting of blood? Vitamin B12
- Longest railway route of India? Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari
- Where did Chipko movement start in India? Uttrakhand
- 1998 Pokhran test operation name? Operation Shakti
- Madhubani Paintings Indicate? Forest of Honey
- Life time of RBC? 120 Days
- Indian National Army was formed by? Capitan Mohan Singh
- First Chief Election Commissioner of India was? Sukumar Sen
- When was Indian National Congress formed? December 28, 1885
- Where is Orang National Park situated? Assam
- What is Makar Sankranti? Festival
- Cleanest city of India? Mysuru
- New Member of World Trade Organisation? Afghanistan
- Archipelago means? Group of islands
- World Wide Web invented by? Tim Berners-lee
- Who built Fathehpur Sikri? Akbar
- Davis cup 2015 winner? Andy Murray
- Alfred Nobel invented? Dynamite
- Longest river in India which does not fall into sea? Yamuna
- Sajan Prakash is a? Swimmer
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- Capital of Uganda? Kampala
- North Korea founded on? 9 September 1948
- India’s largest freshwater lake? Wular Lake
- In which year Sikkim get formed? 1975
- Logo of Make in India? Moving Lion
- H20 is water then what is KOH? Potassium Hydroxide
- Azad hind fauj was organized by? Subash Chandra Bose
- What is Sighmo? Spring Festival celebrated in Goa
- Who is the author of Malgudi days? RK Narayan
- What is LIGO? Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory
GA & GK Question Asked in RRB NTPC 2nd April Exam:
- How many tastes buds are present in tongue? 5
- In which cells Mitochondria doesn’t exists? Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)
- Parliament in Delhi constructed by? Edwinn Lutyens, Herbert Baker
- Oldest oil reserve in India? Digboi
- Cultivation of saffron? Kashmir(in India) Iran (world)
- Women participated all events in which Olympics? 1900 Games in Paris
- Srilanka got independence in which year? 4th Feb,1948
- Ashoka was from which dynasty? Mauryan dynasty
- Scientific name of Human Beings? Homo sapiens
- Currency of Korea? South Korean won
- Capital of Gujarat? Gandhinagar
- Jayakwadi Dam on which river? Godavari
- 2016 world economic forum summit held at? Davos (Switzerland)
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- India’s first defence satellite? GSAT 7
- On which planet frozen water is found? Pluto
- First man to reach outer space? Yuri Gagarin
- River Brahmaputra doesn’t flow in which country? Myanmar
- Periodic table invented by? Dmitri Mendeleev
- X-ray was invented by? Roentgen
- Fastest acting anti rabies vaccine was developed by which country? India
- On which planet frozen water is found? Pluto
- Planet with no moon? Venus
- Height of badminton net above ground level? 1.524 meter
- Molecular formula for sugar? C12H22O11 (thanks to Jovial laskar for correction)
- Which monument was built to commemorate the eradication of plague? Charminar
- Father of Indian Space Programmes? Dr. Vikram Sarabhai
- First President of Indian National Congress? W.C. Bonnerjee
- Jallianwala Bagh massacre was commanded by? Colonel Reginald Dyer
- Noble prize for peace was received by whom from India in 2014? Kailash Satyarthi
- The term “Wood shot/Hairpin shot” is associated with which sport? Badminton
- World’s first space tourist? Dennis Tito
- Air conditioner was invented by? Willis Carrier
- White desert of India? Rann of Kuch desert.
- Kidney stone is caused by? Calcium Oxalate
- Who introduced Orthodox Christianity in Russia? Vladimir
- Which of following colour has least wavelength? Violet
- Which thing was discovered by Alexander Fleming? Penicillin
- Mughal dynasty was established by? Babar
- What did Shiva Ayyadurai invent? E-mail
- Homosapiens means? Wise man
- Which of following element is found in room temperature? Mercury
- What is tri colour ratio of Indian National Flag? 2:3 (Width : Length)
- First woman President of Pakistan? Benazir Bhutto
- Recently creature which lives without water for 10 yrs? The Kangaroo Rat
- Which was first geostationary satellite launched in India? Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment (APPLE) in 1981
- National song of India was composed by? Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
- Name of Space X`s satellite to study extreme emissions? DSCOVR
- Name of NASA`s pluto mission? New Horizons
- Last mauryan dynasty? Brihadratha
- Color of Solid iodine? Purple
- Country got independence in 2011? South Sudan
- NACL means? Salt
- If Ph value is below 7, what is it?Acidic
- Venue of Rugby world cup 2019? Japan
- Saffron is cultivated in India in? Jammu and Kashmir
- Project tiger was introduced in year? 1973
- Other name of Moss piglet?Tardigrade
- How many bones a Infant baby have? around 300
- Alexander Fleming discovered? Penicillin
- Ramkhelia is folk dance of? Jammu & Kashmir
- Mughal dynasty was established by? Babar
- Golden temple situated on which river? Rabi
- 1st Nobel prize for literature won by? Sully Prudhomme (French)
- Tennis is played on which surface? Hard, Grass and Clay courts