MES (Muslim Education Society) In Kerala Has Banned Niqab/Face Veils Inside Their School Premises

The MES (Muslim Education Society) in Kerala has banned face veils inside their school premises, students who attend their institutions are now required to attend classes without wearing face coverings.

The new band has resulted in protests from Religious organizations and scholars after the MES stated that “students do not come to the class wearing any attire covering their face”.

In a directive that was released by the Institution, PK Fazal Gafoor, the President of the MES Institutions said, “Without creating any controversy, the institutions must make sure to implement from 2019-20 academic year that students do not come to the class wearing any attire covering their face.”

The directive also asked the professors and secretaries of the Institutions to follow the new dress code.

President Gafoor has been asked by many activists to withdraw the ban that he has placed on the Institution.

During an interview, he said, “According to the High Court order all managements retain their right to decide on dress code. We will not allow students or teachers to cover their faces with face veil from the coming academic year.”

He added, “Covering the face is not inherent to the culture in Kerala, the tradition and practices of faith followed here. Students cannot even be recognized with their face veils nor students can follow the teachers well if they wear a face veil. If any other Muslim organizations have issues with this decision, they can allow for face veils in institutions under them.”

When asked if they asked any religious group before they placed the ban.

President Gafoor said, “We have the freedom to ban such attires on our campuses. There is no need to consult with religious outfits for that.”

Many criticized the move by MES, Umar Faize, a Smastha Scholar said that the ban is “un-Islamic” and added that the ban should be removed.

The scholar added, “As per the Islamic rules, the body parts of women should not be shown out. The MES has no right to issue a circular banning the attire covering the face of women. Islamic rules should be followed.”

The debate about banning face veils or face coverings broke out after the Easter Sunday serial blasts in Sri Lanka. The country has banned Burqa and masks as part of their move to improve its security.

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