Top 10 Important Life Lessons That We Can Learn From Bhagavad Gita

Although a component of the scriptural trinity of Sanatan Dharma, contents of Bhagavad Gita are universal and non-sectarian. The literal meaning of ‘Bhagavad Gita’ is ‘Song of God’. It is a spiritual discourse delivered by Lord Krishna in the middle of the battle field. It contains 18 chapters, which deal with a variety of subjects such as the nature of the self, devotion to God, the vision of the Universal Self, incarnation of God, the qualities of Nature and so on. Take

bhagavad gita - krishna & arjun

Take look at some of these life lessons you can use from the Gita to bring your life back on the right path.

1. We should do our work without worrying about it’s result

Karm Karo, Phal ki Chinta mat Karo’ is the wisest message the Bhagwad Gita gives us. When we work for getting fruits or the result from a particular action, we can’t really be our best in it. Just doing our work without really thinking about it’s result should be our motive.

2. The body is temporary – soul is permanent


Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita compares the human body to a piece of cloth. A person should identify not with the body but the real Self within. Just as worn out clothes are replaced by the new ones, the soul of a person acquires a new body.

3. World is perishable and whoever comes to this world surely has to go one day.

reincarnation-paranormalhaze whoever comes to this world surely has to go one day

This world is not immortal. One who takes birth dies one day and that is the ultimate truth of this world. Nothing exists permanently. Everyone has their set life periods.

4. Anger causes delusion – be calm

Anger causes delusion

Anger is the fundamental cause of all sorts of failures in a person’s life. It is one of the three main gates of hell, other two being greed and lust. It is due to anger that a person becomes deluded. As soon as the delusion takes over, his mind loses the power of discrimination.

5. Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.

Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.

6. Change is the law of the universe. You can be a millionaire or a pauper in an instant.


7. You came empty handed, and you will leave empty handed

You came empty handed, and you will leave empty handed.

8. There is neither this world, nor the world beyond, nor happiness for the one who doubts.


According to Bhagavad Gita, a doubtful man cannot be at peace in this world or the next. It is important not to confuse this lesson with inquisitiveness which is an absolute necessity for a person to discover his own self.

9. Overcome desires – experience the stillness of mind

desires of life

10. Whatever happened was good, whatever is happening is good and what all will happen in the future will be good.

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