Dog Found With “Worst-Ever” Injuries After Being Abandoned By Owner Due To Coronavirus Fears
A poor dog, which was abandoned by its owner due to coronavirus fears, was rescued after being found with worst ever injuries.
The mistreated dog had to undergo 2 lifesaving surgeries after it was tied to a fence and was abandoned as a result of the coronavirus lockdown.
Penny, the dog, had her throat sliced by rope when she was left tied up outside a house in Romania in the early weeks of April.
The puppy managed to escape and was found wandering by rescuers.
She was rescued by Brit charity Paws2Rescue.
Rescuers said that the windpipe of the dog was exposed and pieces of the rope were still lodged in a deep wound, which went through her neck.
It is believed that Penny was tied up since she was a newborn puppy and was left to grow up tethered.
At first, vets thought that she might not live through her first night, but the strong pup defied the odds and survived everything.
Alison Standbridge, the founder of Brit charity Paws2Rescue, released a statement about how they found the Penny.
In the statement, Alison said:
Penny was one of our most poorly dogs, and her wounds went straight through her neck. In Eastern Europe it is not uncommon to keep dogs chained. We find dogs like this every couple of months but Penny is by far the worst we have seen. We have no idea how she escaped but it’s highly likely she was abandoned in lockdown thanks to rumours pets can carry the coronavirus. It’s a real problem. The number of dogs we are finding abandoned has trebled easily. Penny is lucky to be alive. She has a weird-sounding bark now thanks to the damage to her trachea but that’s it. Eventually she will be put up for adoption. I don’t know how but she still a really good and friendly dog.
As of writing this article, there is no evidence that suggests dogs or cats can be infected with the deadly coronavirus.