Dog Shot More Than 40 Times In The Head With A Shotgun While Roaming Freely
A 3-year-old white Swiss shepherd named Naiko was shot more than 40 times in the head with a shotgun and managed to survive everything.
The owner of the dog said that it is a miracle that her pet is still alive after it was shot 40 times in the head.
Naiko suffered horrific wounds when it wandered off near its house in the South-Western French Department of Gironde on Sunday.
When the pooch came back from its stroll, Sarah Galeazi, the owner of the dog, found the dog covered in wounds and immediately took it to a veterinarian.
Some of the pellets were embedded so deep in the head of the pooch that the vet had to leave them there.
Some of the pellets were removed safely.
During an interview with the local news agencies in France, Galeazi said:
The dog received 25 shots of buckshot in the head at close range. It took a pellet in the eye. There is very little chance he will come out of it. The dog is so nice, there is no reason to shoot it. It’s inexcusable!
The owner initially counted 25 pellets but the vet based in the commune of La Reole in Gironde said that the dog had more than 40 pellets in the head.
Naiko was placed under observation for some time due to the severity of the incident.
Galaeazi feared the worst but the dog survived.
The left eye of the dog was lost because 2 pellets hit it.
The owner of Naiko said that it is a miracle that the dog is still alive.
She has filed a complaint regarding the incident at the gendarmerie in La Reole.
L214 and the Fondation Brigitte Bardot, an animal rights organization, have also been informed about the incident.
An official investigation has been launched to track down the person that did the horrible incident.