How To Prepare For SSC Junior Engineer Exam & Important Tips
State Service Commission has announced a recruitment drive for junior engineers in the field of civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering. The recruitment is done through a common entrance test followed by an interview. As part of preparation guide books and practice sets are essential elements it is also the foremost need for anyone who is appearing for any exam because without relevant study material you cannot race any Job Exam & Interview.
SSC Junior Engineer Exam Syllabus 2014 & important tips:
The entrance test of SSC Junior Engineer Exam consists of two papers. Paper-I is an objective test which is taken on an OMR sheet. Paper-II is a subjective test. Paper-I has sections of General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. You need to attempt the first two sections and any one of Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering, depending on the option you have selected at the time of application.
Click here to Download SSC JE Civil & Mechanical Previous Year Question Papers PDF
* * There is negative marking of ¼ marks for every wrong answer.
SSC Junior Engineer Written Exam Pattern:
Written exam will consist of Paper I (Objective type) and Paper II (Conventional Type).
Paper | Subject | Max. Marks | Time Allotted |
Paper I | (i) General Intelligence & Reasoning (ii) General Awareness (iii) General Engineering in — Part–A- Civil & Structural OR Part-B- Electrical OR Part-C- Mechanical |
50 50 100 |
2 hours |
Paper II | General Engineering in Part–A- Civil & Structural OR Part-B- Electrical OR Part-C- Mechanical |
300 | 2 hours |
NOTE:– In Paper-I and Paper-II for General Engineering, the candidate will be required to attempt only one part i.e. Part-A or Part-B or Part-C as per choose discipline.
– Paper-I will consist of Objective Type Multiple Choice questions only. Answer-sheets of Paper-II (Conventional Type) will be evaluated in respect of only those candidates who qualify in Paper-I.
How to Qualify SSC Exams – CGL, CHSL, Steno, Police, Translator,etc
- Collect the syllabus of the ssc exam. You can download it from the official website of SSC.
- Get the ssc exam books of a better publication and also get the separate books for each of the section of ssc exam paper.
- Make a time table of your study.
- Study for at least 4 hrs a day for a year.
- Study with full concentration and try to clear your basics of the topics.
- Remember shortcuts of doing the questions and also create your own shortcuts to solve the problems faster.
- You can also buy various books for learning shortcuts for solving problems for ssc exam.
- Remember the shortcut techniques to solve the problem given the ssc exam paper faster. It will help solve the ssc exam paper quickly and you can solve more questions as it will improve your speed.
- You need to work on your speed of solving problems. For that practice one previous year question paper daily to improve your speed putting yourself in the time limit.
- Work more on your weaker sections and make them stronger with practice. Practice more and more because practice make a men perfect.
- In the ssc paper, solve as many questions as you can but only do those which you know well. Don’t do those question which you are not sure about. Remember there is negative marking in the ssc exams.
- If you got stuck on a particular question then move on to next one but don’t waste your precious time on particular question.
- Always wear a watch while giving any type of paper as it will keep you updated with time.
- Work on your quickness to solve problems and build speed of solving problem. Most of the aspirants fails in these tests because of the time limit.
- Work harder with consistency will lead you to qualify this exam.
Important Tips:
- The difficulty level of the exam is not very high. A diploma holder in engineering can easily attempt the paper. Thus, focus on the basics of engineering than solving tough problems.
- Take as many practice tests as possible before the exam. Make sure you time your attempts. It is as much about speed as it is about accuracy in SSC Junior Engineer Exam 2014.
- Make sure you reach the exam centre well before time. This way, you won’t be stressed, which always helps you perform better in an exam.
- Attempt those questions first that you are absolutely sure about. You don’t need to attempt different sections in a specific order. Thus, you can always go back and forth between sections. Attempt the easy questions in all the sections first and then attempt the tough questions.
- As far as possible, do not play the guessing game. A thumb of rule you can follow is if you know more than 50% of the paper, you must not take undue risks and guess answers. There is negative marking involved. However, if you know less than 50% of the paper, it could be worthwhile to take calculate risks.
- Paper-II is a subjective paper. Make sure you practice the subjective method of answering questions too. You must know the correct method of solving numerical problems of engineering.
- If you clear the cutoff marks for paper-I and paper-II, you will have to go through an interview round. It is important that you start preparing for the interview as well from the time of the written test. Practice answering common interview questions such as “Why do you want to join SSC?”; “Tell us about yourself”; some common engineering theoretical concepts etc.
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