Marathon Runner OP Jaisha Collapsed At The Finish Line After Indian Officials Failed To Provide Her Even Water

As everyone is enjoying the success stories of Dipa Karmakar, Sakshi Malik and PV Sindhu, India’s national record holder, was running a tough race at the Rio Olympics. This is all because of our Governments carelessness on our athletes. Our Government hasn’t done enough to encourage the talent to its potential.

Indian officials failed to provide water to athletes

OP Jaisha, track, and field athlete collapsed at the finish line. The long run 42.195 km couldn’t have been possible to win without water. Indian athletes aren’t provided enough facilities while training and also at the Olympics. Athletes struggle a lot to achieve something without proper facilities.

Lack Of Proper Facilities To Indian Athletes:

This is what happened in the case of marathon runner OP Jaisha. Jaisha missed the run and collapsed due to lack of crucial drink at the refreshment points. Indian officials failed to provide her even water during her arduous run. “Though there were officials from all other countries to provide refreshments to their runners at designated points – after every 2.5 km – there was no one from India and our desks were empty next to the country’s name and flag,” said distressed Jaisha.

While the organizing teams of athletes from all other countries were providing them water every 2.5 km, there was no one for our Indian athletes. “I don’t know how I managed to finish without getting enough water to drink. The organizers provided water and sponge only at 8-km intervals. The water from these stations lasted hardly 500m and it was almost impossible to run after the 30-km mark under the scorching sun,” added Jaisha.

OP Jaisha

While other runners are comfortably provided luxury to boost their energy with glucose and honey, the Indian officials couldn’t even provide water to Jaisha and other Indian runners. The only way for Jaisha to get boosted was at the Rio Organizers who provide water, but that was every 8 km.

As a result, the national record holder collapsed at the finish line and regained her consciousness only after 2-3 hours. Seven bottles of glucose were administered to her. “I was OK for the next few days. But now I’m feeling very weak and it will take at least 2-3 months of Ayurveda treatment and massage for my body to recover,” said Jaisha. The indifference and apathy of Indian officials towards our players is heart-breaking.

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