Facebook testing subscriptions for private groups


Facebook is one of the greatest platforms of social media where people make friends across the globe, communicate with each other globally and even share their post, daily activity of their life and make groups. Some of them are even doing business through this social media platform, but now it would get difficult for those who post exclusive content on this platform as Facebook announced that it will soon let group administrators charge members for giving exclusive content on its platform.


Being the part of a pilot programme, there is some private group like Parenting, cooking and home cleaning on the social networking platform that would be the first ones to retrieve the new feature. Alex Deve, Product Director, Groups at Facebook, said in a blog post that they are piloting subscriptions with a small number of groups to continue to support group admins who lead these communities. Facebook makes available to support video creators as earlier in 2018 as line up with the Subscription groups.

Declutter My Home is a group on Facebook that was started by Sarah Mueller on the way to encourage, stimulate and motivate others to tidy up their apartment or house. Declutter My Home is the group that became an active community for helping a larger number of people from all over the world to cut-down the confusion regarding their spaces.

Facebook further said that Organise My Home is the new subscription group of Mueller where members will be able to work together on very small projects and have access to easily actionable checklists, tutorials, live videos and more to help with home organization.

Mueller further added that through the new Organize My Home subscription group on social media platform Facebook, she would be able to provide this new community with more interactive ways to have a systematically arranged homes such as mini-projects, group challenges, training, and live Question and answers. According to the Facebook report, group administrator will be able to charge up to $29.99 in the month during the pilot in the next web and the report further added that Facebook won’t be collecting a cut of the subscription fees as of now.
Through the Facebook app is available on both iOS and Android platforms, users are now able to sign-up and manage their subscriptions.


Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, created the Facebook that started as a website only for Harvard students and now employs over 20,000 people around the globe. Facebook also has some subsidiaries including Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, Oculus VR and TBH.

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