More Than 11 Moles On An Arm May Indicate Skin Cancer

More Than 11 Moles On An Arm May Indicate Skin Cancer

In research conducted at 3,000 twins in the UK was established to have more than 100 moles indicates that there are 5 times higher risk of skin cancers.The British journal of dermatology revealed that the…

Controlling Emotions are one of the Important Factors of Life and Here is How

Controlling Emotions are one of the Important Factors of Life and Here is How

Ever you wondered why some days you feel cranky and some days good mood? Have you ever wondered why Sometimes you feel full / or euphoria and happiness and others will feel stressed / or…

Women Are Less Likely to Medication After A Heart Attack

Women Are Less Likely to Medication After A Heart Attack

  Young women are less likely than young men to be given medication after suffering a heart attack, concludes a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association Circulation. It is recommended…

8 Tips To Tackle Winter

8 Tips To Tackle Winter

Winter is in full force. As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, even the best of us can get a little down. The “winter blues” are characterized by the mild depression, lack…

Symptoms Of Gestational Hypertension

Symptoms Of Gestational Hypertension

Pregnancy-induced hypertension, what are the symptoms: The hypertension pregnancy occurs in pregnant women by the appearance of edema (abnormal swelling of tissues), blood pressure greater than 13, the presence of excess albumin in the urine (albuminuria).…

Treating The Flu When You Are Pregnant

Treating The Flu When You Are Pregnant

During pregnancy, you know, things get complicated in the health plan! Most drugs are prohibited because of the risks to the fetus, and it is not easy to treat the smallest cold. So when the…

A Big Brain Would Not Make You Smarter

A Big Brain Would Not Make You Smarter

The human intelligence is less related to the size of his brain than the way it is structured, concluded a scientific study (AFP / Martin Bureau) The human intelligence is less related to the size…

Born In The Summer To Be In Good Health In Adulthood

Born In The Summer To Be In Good Health In Adulthood

Children born during the summer season, and especially girls are healthier than other adults, according to a British study published in the journal Heliyon. Researchers at the University of Cambridge (UK) examined the link between…

Olive Oil: Anti-Cancer, Anti-Pain, Anti-Aging

Olive Oil: Anti-Cancer, Anti-Pain, Anti-Aging

She’s beautiful, golden and tasty. And of great interest to researchers. Who begin to understand why it is good for just about everything! Olive oil is a formidable weapon against pain, constipation, cell oxidation. And…
