41+ Everyday Things You’ve Been Doing Wrong All Your Life & How To Do Them Right
There are things which you’re doing every day and you’ve already made those as habits that they seem totally normal the way you’re doing them. But no, if you know how to do stuff the right way instead of your habitual way, your life will change. You’ll soon realize after reading through that there are many things you’ve been doing wrong without knowing. Get ready to have your world turned upside down.
1. Peeling a Banana from the bottom instead of the top
Learn from monkeys and peel a banana from the bottom instead of the top.
2. Earphones should be worn by coiling them over the ear
3. Eating Ketchup with the Little Paper Cups
Frustrated with not being able to dunk your chicken nuggets in your sauce? Just un-fold the container for more sauce and a wider opening.
Spread the rims of the sauce cups so you can dip your burger in ketchup or add even more ketchup to the cup.
4. To get the best out of chicken wings, pull off the cartilage on the wider end and get rid of the bones instead of just nibbling meat off the bones.
5. Making Sandwiches
Cut round sandwich fillings in half to make sure they cover the whole surface of the bread.
6. The right way to hull strawberries is to use a straw.
7. Crack Eggs on a flat surface, not on the edge of a bowl.
8. Squeezing the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube.
Instead of trying to do it with your bare hands, use a bobby pin! Geniuses get toothpaste out of tubes like this:
9. The right way to chop mangoes is to cut in cubes before peeling them.
10. Eating Tic Tac
Turns out, Tic Tac containers are actually designed to dispense one at a time. This video will show you how.
11. Cutting Cherry Tomatoes
You probably cut cherry tomatoes into half one by one, but if you put the cherry tomatoes between 2 plastic lids you can do it quicker.
12. While doing squats, you need to bend until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
13. Slicing Bread from bottom side to Avoid Squishing
14. A glass of wine needs to be held by pinching the stem with your forefinger and thumb. Not by wrapping your hand around it.
15. Pack Luggage Like a Pro for Travel
Rolling Clothes Prevents Wrinkles and Saves Packing Space
16. Moisturiser is not supposed to be rubbed into your skin but just slightly tapped.
17. Drying wet nail polish.
Instead of waiting for your polish to dry and then reaching for your wallet inside your purse and turning your fingers into a mess, stick your fingertips in ice water for a minute or two after painting. Then stick your hand in your purse, pull out credit cards, and just go wild without ruining your polish.
18. Peeling Potatoes
Simply pop the potatoes in the boiling water. After the potatoes have softened (usually 15-20 minutes), move them to the ice water bath for 5-10 seconds. Once you take the potatoes out of the ice water, the skin should peel off incredibly fast.
19. Forget to pack a spoon? No problem.
20. Slicing watermelons is not the best idea. They should be cut crosswise instead.
21. A pizza should always be held by folding it a little to make a U-shape so as to prevent it from flopping over.
22. Separating Pomegranate Seeds
Roll the fruit first to loosen the seeds. Score around the middle and tear it open into halves. Hold each half over a bowl, seeds facing down and tap the skin with a wooden spoon, squeezing a little to release the seeds. Alternatively, score 4 lines from top to bottom to quarter the pomegranate.
Use this method and it won’t be a chore to eat pomegranates.
23. An apple should be eaten top to bottom not by biting into its side.
24. Perfect Way to Hold a Hamburger
The right way to enjoy your burger is to place your thumb and little finger at the bottom of the burger and support the top with the other three fingers.
25. While tying your shoelaces, the bow must rest horizontally, else you risk them getting untied quickly
26. The right way to make a BLT is to make a lattice with the bacon strips instead of just spreading them over the bed.
27. Pouring Milk
28. Folding your trousers? Don’t spoil the crease by following these steps:
29. Using aluminum foil and plastic wrap.
Don’t be the person whose foil goes spiraling out of control out of the box. Be a foil genius! Press those thingies on the side to keep the roll from flying out.
30. While doing push-ups, the body should be kept straight and pressure should be exerted upon the abs and arms.
31. How to Open Chips
32. The best way to reseal a plastic bag (if you can’t master the origami fold) is to use a disposable bottle.
33. Eating cupcakes
The right way of eating cupcakes helps you eat like a lady or gentleman.
34. Random strokes of nail paint is not how you get perfectly groomed nails. You need to follow the following directions :
35. Eating Snacks
Always want to get the snacks from the bag easier? You should do this:
36. Folding Your Shirt
It takes you very long to fold the shirts? Learn this and you can do it in 2 seconds.
37. Drinking Sodas:
Drink with the straw skillfully like this so the straw’s position is fixed. Keep your straw in place by turning the tab and placing the straw through the tab.
38. A pen should never be held from the top or gripped too tight.
39. Are your bobby pins not staying in? Maybe that’s because they’re upside down! Yep, the bumpy bit is supposed to face down.
40. You should never try to clean a blender by scrubbing it. Instead just add some dishwashing liquid and water, and blend it.
41. Removing red wine stains
Instead of dumping random stuff on it and scrubbing like a fool, soak a red wine stain with white wine before washing.
42. Peeling Garlic
Select a whole bulb of fresh garlic. Crush as many bulbs as you need and put the separated cloves into a shaker.
Shake vigorously for about a minute. That’s it 🙂