Shah Rukh Khan Talks About ‘Coping With Failure’ And You Will Love It
Shah Rukh Khan who has played many roles on big screen and achieved very big heights. But he donned the quizmaster’s hat, grilled management students and advised them to consider failure as being crucial to teach pragmatic lessons in life. When one of the students asked SRK that How would you face failure? “Failure is a fantastic teacher,” he said.
“Success imparts no wisdom, failure teaches you everything. Failure is very important. Fear of failure will make you pragmatic. It will make you logical in your thinking”, he told. But admitted he locks himself in the bathroom and cries to overcome from the sorrow. Shah Rukh said, “Don’t’ worry, get things wrong and learn from it”.
“Failure would always make you want to work hard. I work hard because I am afraid of failure”, said SRK. Citing his example, he recalled his early years of struggle, which inspired him to work harder. Failure also taught one to empathize. Success instills a superiority complex while failure teaches one to empathize with those who go through the same experience, he said.