[VIDEO] Bill Gates Now Uses An Android Phone With ‘Lots Of Microsoft Software’

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs never quite got along. Both the techies shared a unique relationship between each other. They were friends and they were rivals too. But frankly speaking, they weren’t always enemies always. The two have played an important role in shaping up the tech industry and how we know it today.

However, between all the rivalry, hate and haste, they admired each other’s views, brilliance and the overall contribution to Tech industry which apparently set the tone for the Future of Technology.


Over the course of 30-plus years, the two went from cautious allies to bitter rivals to something almost approaching friends, sometimes, they were all three at the same time. But it’s very safe to say that at some point, whether willingly or not, they had an undeniable ‘fondness’ for each other.

It’s no big secret that many Microsoft execs and employees no longer use Windows phones, but it’s still quite interesting to learn that former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates doesn’t belong to the 1% crowd. To be fair, Gates no longer had an executive role during Microsoft’s recent mobile troubles, so you couldn’t really expect him to be a diehard Windows Phone fan.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

But yes, Bill Gates now uses an Android phone, just like the majority of consumers worldwide. Windows smartphones were a thing of the past and have been wiped out from the market due to strong competition from Android and Apple.

In a recent interaction with Fox News, Gates revealed that he recently switched to an Android device and still uses Windows-based PCs. Gates also added that even though he uses an Android device, he mostly used Microsoft software on the Android phone. Microsoft makes or owns a range of software such as Skype, Word, Outlook email and others that work well on Android devices.


The Android OS is very much similar to the Microsoft ethos, i.e., you can customize a lot of features on your Smartphone, download applications and manage files directly on your device and it is also a platform that is widely supported by many companies. The former exec made the confession during an interview with Fox News, saying that he switched to an Android phone with “lots of Microsoft software” on it.

This would have been quite a risky statement to make a few years ago when Microsoft was still trying hard to build an alternative to iOS and Android, but at this point, even Satya Nadella admitting he’s an Android user wouldn’t really be bad PR for the Redmond giant. As a matter of fact, even Microsoft has been selling a Microsoft Edition of the Samsung Galaxy S8 in the US over the last couple of months.

Watch The Video Here:

Bill Gates is still Bill Gates though, and the Microsoft co-founder stated in this same interview that he’s still using all Windows-based PCs. Now, we do wonder if he uses a Surface as his main device, as does former CEO Steve Ballmer. Now, the question is “Which Android phone does Bill Gates use?”

Assuming that he bought his phone in the US, statistically speaking, it’s extremely likely that it’ll be a Samsung-made device. Samsung has had multiple partnerships with Microsoft, not just for its PC division and now-defunct Windows phones, but also for its Android-powered Galaxy series.

Of course, we’re just going to have to keep guessing until Bill Gates himself reveals which model he’s using as his personal phone, so what would be your guess? Which Android phone do you think the co-founder of Microsoft is using? Share your views with us in the comments section below.

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