Confused Traveller Accidentally Goes Through The Airport X-Ray Scanner

We all had an embarrassing moment at an airport, but it’s not that bad. One thing that is really annoying at the airport is when you have to go through the security checkup, and sometimes the beep doesn’t go off and you just have to remove every single thing you have on, not the clothes, but metal objects.

First time traveling in Airplane

First time traveling in Airplane

Posted by PopLite on Wednesday, 10 April 2019

And recently, a first time traveler had his most embarrassing moment at an Airport, a man who was apparently traveling for the first time at an airport in Dagestan, Russia literally went through the X-ray scanner.

A short video clip recently went viral online that showed the man walking towards the security at the airport.

First, the man walks to the wrong area and it looks like a security officer tells him to go through the machine.

Apparently, he did, but it was the x-ray machine scanner, a machine that is used to check our hand carry and luggage.

As the security officers watched the video, you can hear them laughing so hard when they saw the man go through the machine.

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