Donald Trump ‘Imitates Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Accent’, Says Reports From Washington DC

The relationship between India and United States of America is quite appreciable as far as Obama’s reign is concerned, the situation has changed now, many political leaders believe that the international ties of any country with America might be deteriorated referring to the foreign policies of the newly elected president, Donald Trump.

trump slammed by indians

It was pretty clear during Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the United States. The awkward hugs and the confused speeches revealed zillion things. On the top of everything, Donald Trump firmly rejected Modi’s invitation to visit India soon after he became president, reports claim that he didn’t even take a look at the invitation mail.

Things were otherwise during the reign of Obama. Strong ties were developed between the countries. Obama visited India almost exactly two years ago for the country’s Republic Day, and Modi made trips to the U.S.


However, Modi was the fifth among the Heads of Governments who received a call from the new US president after his inauguration. Trump called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican premier Pena Nieto on Saturday. Trump’s “America First” inaugural speech on Friday and his call to “buy American and hire American” indicated that he would by and large go by the policies he espoused during his campaign.

There is a concern in India’s outsourcing industry about the fate of the skilled-worker or H-1B, a visa program that companies use to send thousands of workers to the U.S. Mr. Trump criticised the program during the campaign, saying he would seek to ensure Americans get their first choice of available jobs.

trump and modi

Modi conveyed to Trump that the India-US strategic partnership was based on “shared values” and driven by “common interests”. The phone conversation between the two leaders took place at a time when Trump’s inaugural speech sent out a signal that the new American administration might indeed start an era of fierce protectionism. Now, the latest sources from the Washington DC reveal some shameful things about the President.

Earlier this month, Trump triggered controversy when it was reported he used the phrase ‘s***hole” countries when referring to Haiti and African nations, reportedly imitates the Indian leader’s accent. Further, the Washington Post reported Mr. Trump’s behavior in the context of the US’s provision of additional troops to Afghanistan, where it is supposed to have adopted a non-combat role.

modi speech on trump

The insights further added that Trump even has this distasteful habit of imitating Modi’s language. PMModi, who can speak and understand English but prefers to converse in his native Hindi, and claimed that he said to him: “Never has a country given so much away for so little in return” – as the United States in Afghanistan.

When questioned about this absolutely disgusting behavior, both the White House and State Department failed to respond to questions. Indian officials in Washington also did not immediately respond. If true, it would not be the first time Mr. Trump had adopted a fake Indian accent. In the spring of 2016, during the election campaign, Mr. Trump used a such a voice to mock a call center representative in India.

Watch the video here:

In the video, Trump is seen claiming that he is not upset with other leaders, but, he is upset with his country leaders for being so stupid.

Maybe its time to put some SENSE into Trump’s head so that he would stop blabbering some shitty words against India and Modi. After all, we don’t take his gibberish comments seriously, just as Americans do all the time. But, one thing is still isn’t clear, how come 33 Crore Americans come together just to elect an absolute fascist as the President? RIP Trump. May you come up with some minimal sense next time.

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