Facebook Losing Teens surveyed in a Research

A biggest social networking platform Facebook is losing its shining amongst youngsters. Though the teenagers love to have an account on this website and keep in touch with a larger group they really like to use other social sites like Instagram and snapshot as well. As teenagers are turning to Snapchat and Instagram, the most popular site no longer seen as a cool destination for teens
However, this biggest social network has more than 2 billion users from all over the globe and the social site has become one of the most valuable technology companies across the world still youngsters and teens are turning away to other sites specially snapchat and Facebook-owned social sites like Instagram.


Facebook Use Declining Among Teens
According to the latest survey, approximately 51 percent American youngsters those between the age of 13 years to 17 years use Facebook, while the percentage of the teen on social media app like snapchat and Instagram is more than as compared to Facebook. According to the numbers provided by the survey, 72% of the teens are on Instagram and 69% of them are on Snapchat.
As per the survey reports, there seems to be a big shift from that observed earlier, in the year 2014-15 where Facebook was the leader among teens with a remarkable 71% engagement as the Pew Research found. according to a said Pew researcher Monica Anderson, it is quite different social media environment among teens from what it was just three years ago. A researcher further said that the reason behind the disengagement of the teenagers from the biggest social media platform appears to be unrelated to the recent issues of the data breach for the cases like Cambridge Analytica. And according to the result of a survey, around 85% of the teenagers regularly use Alphabet in Google.

Facebook Falls Behind in Features

besides the Facebook recently launched a Kids Messaging App for Teenagers in the Canada and Peru and it is even planning to offer services which are same as that of YouTube and Netflix even though Facebook seems to be losing its teenage user base most of the teenagers are attracted towards another social site platform because of the amazing features that are available on that sites such as on snapchat there is availability of adding animation, special effects while Instagram is preferred more about its creation, people who make music or photography can post what they do.

instead of these developments, Facebook still remains the king of social networks. It has 2.2 billion users as compared to Snapchat, that is having 191 million


Facebook Losing Teens surveyed in a Research

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