Internet is Challenged To Find A Cat In This Picture And Is Going Viral

Optical illusions come by the dozen nowadays. It’s so much fun to participate in solving the one puzzle that mindfucks everyone across the world. Now the internet is being challenged to find a cat. Can you find it?

Find a cat in this picture

The image is just the latest in many photographs that have puzzled internet users recently. This image will leave you scratching your head as you search for the feline.

Redditor jmankruse posted this image in the Reddit Pics subreddit and the internet went berserk!

Give yourself 10 seconds before scrolling down to see the solution. Don’t cheat, play fair!

And here’s the cat that broke the Internet.

Can you spot the cat in this photo

The yellow-coloured cat is sleeping very close to the top of the pile of logs in the middle. Its custard-hued fur blends perfectly into the light wood.

Also Try: Find Out Ghostly Object In 100-Year-Old Historic Photo 

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