Here Are Some Of The Best Natural Remedies For Insomnia

It is a fact that using over the counter medication for sleep for an extended period of time can lead to both addiction and tolerance. Therefore, devoid from taking sleeping every time you want to sleep, instead if you have trouble sleeping, try natural remedies as they are equally effective but much safer.

The natural remedies used to curb insomnia have been tried and tested over an extended period of time. Actually, they have been in play since the times of our grandparents. What is more, is that unlike prescription medicine, natural remedies do not need to go through testing and laboratory improvements to increase its effectiveness? They stay the same.

It is for the above reason that even the most modernized people resort to these natural solutions for most of their problems like insomnia.

So if you want to solve your insomnia troubles, consider these natural alternatives and enjoy your way to good quality sleep.

Warm bath with salts

This remedies for insomnia may seem obvious and “not so cool” to some people especially the male gender, but regardless of how feminine it may seem, taking a warm with salts can help you to relax and take out all the stress and fatigue accumulated throughout the day. With your body at such a state of calmness and relaxation, it is impossible not to fall into a deep sleep a few minutes of getting to bed.


bath with salt


Sleep Meditation

Meditation is an excellent and easy form of relaxation. For mediation, you don’t need to get complicated. Just get into a quiet room and sit down; try to focus on something that will not distract your thoughts. Try to get to a state of calmness with empty thoughts nothing smashing. Once you feel your mind is clear and relaxed, you can crawl into bed slowly and trust me you will sleep so quickly and soundly like you’ve never before.




Herbal remedies are the most popular in insomnia cases; this is because herbs are just soothing, efficient and carry no side effects. Some popular herbs used to curb insomnia include;

  • Chamomile – this works as a sedative
  • Hops – it is mostly used to treat nerve weakness ad is also a sedative
  • Lavender – sweet lavender is cats as a strengthening tonic for the nervous system
  • Passion flower – best for easing stress, anxiety, exhaustion, and nervousness.
  • Valerian – most common herb used for treating insomnia. Valerian is preferred by most people because it does not have the addictive qualities of sleeping pills. It is usually used as a sedative against insomnia causatives

Other herbs can be used to remedy insomnia; you can search online for more options or just visit a herbalist for advice on some of the best herbs for insomnia.



Remember that most of the herbal remedies for insomnia can be taken as a tea (herbal tea) i.e. chamomile, some as a tincture and some in the form of aromatherapy.  If you have a low tolerance for herbal teas, then you can ground them and make herbal pills. You just need to learn how to do this or better buy the capsules from a trusted herbalist.

If you find that natural remedies do not help to cure your insomnia, then maybe your insomnia could be caused something serious like a medical condition that needs a doctor’s attention. Having said that, you can take a few minute of your time and head over to, a website with helpful tips on sleep and reviews on mattresses that can help you sleep better.

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