New Apple iPhone7 Does A Samsung Note, Catches On Fire And Burns It’s Owner’s Pants

After a number of Samsung Note7s burnt down, causing damage, now it is iPhone’s turn. These burning phones have become a big nuisance to the users and harmful. It seems that having a big smartphone is not less than risking your lives.


All these phones burn due to manufacturing defects and faults in the devices. Recently, some pictures of brand new Apple’s iPhone7 have emerged that has burnt to a crisp with owner’s pants and car along with it.

Here’s what we’re talking about. This is a picture of a brand new Apple iPhone7 that has burnt to a crisp.


Matt Jones, a surfing instructor from Australia had left his phone wrapped in his jeans inside the car while he was taking a lesson on the beach. He told that when he returned, he realized he couldn’t see inside the car because of the smoke. On opening the door he saw his jeans smoking and within minutes the interior of the car was lit up.

Everyone is definitely keeping an eye on Apple, waiting for a potential fault in the new iPhone 7 to rear its ugly head and reset the scoreboard.


Apple has said that it is aware of the incident and is investigating but hasn’t commented any further. This is the second time we hear of an iPhone 7 spontaneously combusting, though, the first incident was obviously caused by heavy mechanical damage to the phone, which caused the battery to go on fire.

Meanwhile, Cupertino tech giant is investigating the incident.

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