Mother Finds Her Son Who Went Missing 8 Years Ago On Facebook

A mother who was using Facebook saw a profile that had the picture of his son who went missing 8 years ago, the police helped the mother locate his son.

Police Commissioner Mahesh M Bhagwat of Rachakonda Police said that the police helped the mother locate his son by using his IP (internet protocol) address, the police found out that her son was living in Ranakala Village of Amritsar.

On January 26, 2011, her son left their house without informing anyone. The mother lodged a missing complaint but the police failed to locate him.

And in 2018, the mother came across a Facebook Profile that had the picture of his son, she said that the name used in the profile was “Dinesh Jena Lima” and saw a picture of him.

Detectives of the Cyber Crime started to investigate the matter, they used the IP address of her son to locate him, they found out that he was living in Amritsar.

A police team went to Amritsar to bring him back and reunite him with his mother, the boy was under the guardianship of a landlord in Amritsar.

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