What Your Birth Order Says About Your Personality And Behavior?

Have you ever wondered why you and your siblings seem so different sometimes? Birth Order is one of the reasons for it. Some researchers believe birth order is as important as gender and almost as important as genetics. There are more than a thousand studies about birth order. Check out what your birth order says about you.

The Firstborn Child: The Achiever

Firstborn have had so much control and attention from their first-time parents, they are over-responsible, Controlling, reliable, well-behaved, Achievers, careful and smaller versions of their own parents.

First-borns tend to have higher IQs because their parents are first-timers and are more prone to paying more attention to their only child.

Elder child Personality And Behavior

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The only disadvantage is parents can set high expectations for a first (or only) child. Parents are often the most strict with first-born children and expect them to “set an example” for younger siblings. The oldest child feels the most pressure.

When it comes to relationships, a marriage between two first-borns may be like ‘a cat and a dog in a sack,’ as you each strive to be the leader.

Middle-Born Children: The Peacemaker

They always try to reach the same level of achievement and attention that their older sibling gets. Middle children are probably understanding, cooperative and flexible, yet competitive. The middle child maintains the peace between family members.

Middle-Born Children - Personality And Behavior

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They will relegate themselves to a life out of the spotlight due to perceived preferential treatment from their parents to the eldest child.

The middle child is also faithful when it comes to relationships. A marriage between two middles could have both partners avoiding issues and miscommunicating.

The Youngest Child

The youngest child is usually the most creative, emotional, extroverted, and talkative. The youngest child has more freedom than the other siblings and, in a sense, are more independent. They socialize well, but they’re so good that they can be manipulative.

youngest-child Personality And Behavior

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A marriage between two youngest-borns may focus on fun at the expense of responsibility. So the Youngest Child need first-borns to straighten them out. First-borns need Youngest Child to lighten them up.

The Only Child

Only children — simultaneously the first, middle, and last-born child all at once. As a result of gaining undivided attention from parents, only children are often considered to be self-centered.

Only child Personality And Behavior

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Only children tend to have a lot of the same characteristics as first-born children. Only children tend to be Mature for their age, Perfectionists, Conscientious, Diligent. They probably feel the pressure to achieve.


You might think that twins would develop identical or extremely similar personality traits since they’ve grown up together, but that may not be the case.

Twins Personality And Behavior

A research paper from Adler Graduate School found that twins will either view each other as competition.

Whatever the birth order is, parents need to adapt to their kids. Parents can help to prevent their children from being “stereotyped” by attempting to view them as unique individuals and avoiding comparing them with their siblings.

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