The Viral Cobra Safeguards Puppy Photo is from India. Original Photographer Wanted!
Few years ago, there is a viral story about a cobra inside a well was safeguarding two puppies. The story was initially uploaded to giggag.com and later being spread around the world and even on youtube and TV ouside India.
According to GIGGAG, the original post was submitted by an anonymous Indian. If anyone know about this story or even the person who took the picture of the cobra/puppies, please contact AIR and we will feature the original photographer on our website.
The original story:
Children are like angels, this is a dedication to all the humans who ill-treat their children on the basis of their gender/in-capabilities.
This happened in Punjab, India, were two pups fell by accident into a well,while playing with other siblings. The owner of the pups found 2 puppies missing in the group and later found the mother dog barking near a shallow well.
To his surprise, he found the puppies in the well along with a King Cobra. They found that the Cobra which was supposed to be a threat for all animals including Man, was actually safeguarding the little pups from not getting drowned when the pups moved towards the danger area of the well. People who gathered around didn’t have the courage to get into the well and save the pups because the snake was around.
The puppies and the Snake remained in the well for 48 hrs, until the forest authority came and rescued the pups and the snake was released into the forest.