CBI Says Brajesh Thakur Killed 11 Girls, They Also Recovered “Bundle of Bones” From A Burial Ground In Muzaffarpur

According to the CBI, 11 girls were murdered by Brajesh Thakur and his assistants, the CBI also recovered “bundle of bones” at a burial ground in Muzaffarpur.

In an affidavit that was filed in the Supreme Court, the CBI said that they have recovered the 11 names of the girls that were murdered by Brajesh Thakur and his assistants.

Many girls were sexually abused and raped at an NGO-run shelter home in Muzaffarpur, Bihar. The sexual abuse and rape were reported by the TISS (Tata Institute of Social Sciences).

A probe was launched for the alleged accusations against the NGO-run shelter home, the case was later on transferred to the CBI. The agency has filed a charge-sheet against twenty-one people which includes Brajesh Thakur.

In a statement that was released by the CBI, agency said, “During investigation, from the statement of victims recorded by IOs (investigating officers) and NIMHANS (National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences) team, names of 11 girls emerged who were said to be allegedly murdered by the accused Brajesh Thakur and his accomplices.”

“Based on the facts revealed by one accused, namely Guddu Patel during his interrogation, a particular spot in burial ground as identified by accused Guddu Patel was excavated and a bundle of bones was recovered from the spot.”

The case was presented on Friday before a bench that had Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi and Justice Deepak Gupta.

The bench has said that they will give out a formal notice to the CBI about the application and the agency should file their response within one month/4 weeks.

Advocate Fauzia Shakil and Advocate Shoeb Alam, the lawyers of Thakur, said that the agency did not do a proper investigation.

KK Venugopal, the Attorney General for CBI, said that they have filed a reply on the application.

The attorney general said, “The CBI has filed the reply. Each of the allegations in the application is without substance and are baseless.”

Next court hearing has been set on 6th May.

In the affidavit that was submitted by the CBI to the Supreme Court, they said that they have done a “thorough, fair, impartial probe”

The affidavit added, “It is specifically denied that the investigating agency failed to conduct a thorough investigation or has left out any crucial leads. It is denied that investigation is a hogwash or investigation has avoided any crucial lead to shield any perpetrator.”

The CBI added that Thakur and his companions killed the girls after the girls made the allegations against him.

The CBI said, “On scrutiny of the details of these 11 girls entered in the master register (of shelter home), it was found that there were a total of 35 girls with identical/similar names who at one time or the other stayed at Balika Grih, Muzaffarpur.”

And added, “as per revelation made by the inmates before IOs, all the alleged burial grounds were excavated by local police/CBI.”

The affidavit added that a probe is still going on.

The CBI has also named the other people who sexually abused the girls, and said that they have also investigated them.

The affidavit said, “It is denied that the CBI is trying to shield the real perpetrators or that the leads given by victims regarding the role of outsiders were intentionally not probed.”

A charge-sheet against the Social Welfare Department officer has also been filed.

The camp of Thakur said that CBI is trying to “shield the real perpetrators” and did not investigate the leads that were given out by the victims.

In February, the Supreme Court moved the case from Bihar to a POCSO court in Delhi.

Last year, the Supreme Court directed the CBI to launch a probe for the allegations that were made by the victims that were living in shelter homes.

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