Mazhayathu Malayalam Movie Review

Directed by National Award winner Suveeran, starred Venugopal(Nikesh Ram) and Anitha (Aparna Gopinath) and Sreelakshmi (Nandan Varma), with Venugopal as husband and Anitha as the wife and Sreelakshmi their daughter.

A family thriller Awarded 3/5* by Times of India, first revolving around husband and wife movie shows the relationship as wife try to be independent which leads towards the clash of there ego eventually affecting their daughter as well. A film does an excellent job of keeping suspense throughout the film but does a bit overextended at some parts.


While husband and wife try to rebuild there, later on, they get hit by the consequences. The movie portrays the changing opinion of society for a person as well as ego, and it portraits it so well that it feels real and the way people quickly judge anyone even if people are close to them.

Nikesh Ram puts an excellent performance while doing his role of a stubborn father as well as Aparna who is playing as a woman who does things to reach her goals and needs but later on leaving it all for her daughter when she needed it, again showing off the realistic state of our society where being an independent woman brings clash with husband and hurts it ego and sacrificing her wishes for her daughter.


The ending of the movie does feel rushed and feels everything was forced to put to an end. The flow of film didn’t feel natural and did feel like it needed a bit of work; however, the film does n’t fail to send the intended message of society and everything and also does an excellent job in keeping the suspense.
Music Tracks of movie compliments its story well and does add weight to the film.



The overall movie does a fantastic job in portraying the society and mindset of people and the effects it can cause of children as well as the sacrifices done by a mother for her child. However, it does feel a bit boring and overly done at some scenes and feels like it needed a bit more finishing work to it.

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