Donald Trump Threatens To Shut Down US Government Over Twitter

Washington: A fresh political crisis seems to be underway with US President Donald Trump threatening to veto already approved budget and shut down the federal government.

He appeared to reverse his support that he lended for the USD 1.3 trillion spending bill regarding which he was to address media in a briefing at the White House.

Earlier to that, Trump’s administration had specifically said that it supported the deal which was brokered by the Republican controlled Congress and  was passed in a dead-of-night vote. But later his statement cleared the matter that he has changed his heart.

A renegotiation is unlikely very soon as many lawmakers are out of Washington for two weeks recess.

“I am considering a VETO of the Omnibus Spending Bill,” Trump tweeted, which suggested that the deal did not help enough for 800,000 immigrants holding a de facto amnesty, which he rescinded.

Trump has repeatedly put the blame over the looming end of the “DACA” program on Democrats. The Obama-era plan protects migrants who were brought through illegal process to America as children from deportation.

Apart from that, the President also vented that the spending bill did not completely funded his signature campaign promise to build “the BORDER WALL, which” he said “is desperately needed for our National Defense.”

If the President decides not to sign the budget before midnight of Friday, many of the hundreds of thousands of civil servants will be forced to take leave, national parks like Grand Canyon to Yellowstone will have shut up and non-essential services will also stop.

The threat by Trump came just hours after a host on conservative news channel Fox News pilloried the deal as a Washington “Swamp Budget”.

The tweet also caps yet another week of high drama at a White House that seems to lurch from crisis to crisis.

This week the former reality TV star replaced his national security advisor with John Boltan, launched a new trade policy fight with China, and needled investigators who are trying to probe Russia election meddling.

Alongside these all, he also faces a number of scandals from a defamation lawsuit. He has also been alleged for two extramarital affairs.

The spending package provided $1.6 billion for border security of the United States and construction or repair of nearly 100 miles (160 kilometers) of border fencing, but that was far less than what Trump had been seeking so far.

It also set aside the issue of the so-called “Dreamers,” who are in legal battle following the Trump administration’s repeal of DACA.

The program ‘DACA’ expired on March 5, but the issue is still being fought in the courts. Attempts at a legislative fix collapsed in a previous round of negotiations to avoid a government shutdown.

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