BREAKING: Govt Just Announced Sundays As Working Days & Here’s The Shocking REASON

If there’s one day in a week, which we love as a student then it is definitely Sunday as that is the only day of the week where we can laze around in our home. But this is going to change soon as the with the new rule of mandatory sunday schools. Well, it is a good step, to be honest as this harsh step is being taken for the welfare of the children. This revolutionary step is taken by the Sri Lankan government.

Now you must be wondering how will Sunday school help children. Let me tell you these sunday schools are not for your educational curriculum. The Sunday schools are to enhance the spiritual and religious background by engaging them in various activities and also improves their moral values. Well, this was proposed by UNP Western Provincial Council, S.M. Marikkar.

‘‘My first proposal as a Western Provincial Councillor was to make Sunday School Education mandatory in the Western Province. I proposed for the prohibition of tuition classes on Sunday mornings until Grade 9. I believe that the Chief Minister is simply holding on to that resolution and doing nothing about it.

I hope to gather all the Prelates and exert some pressure to make Sunday School Education mandatory. This is a time where the parents cannot aid their children with corporal punishment, especially in Kolonnawa which has earned a reputation as the place with drugs.” said at an event.

It was revealed that a cabinet paper will be released soon to make this Sunday school mandatory for all the kids.

“I wish to discuss this matter in detail with Education Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam as to how students could be motivated to attend religious education activities,” said Minister Gamini Jayawickrama Perera while addressing the press about Vesak festival which is on April 29th.

He also stated that,

“Students who show outstanding results at provincial and national-level Sunday School examinations would be given preference if or when they transfer to another school, or when seeking government job opportunities. This initiative would help create a disciplined future generation within Sri Lanka. As such, the matter should be discussed with Cabinet ministers of different faiths,”

Though it looks like a harsh initiative, it was a much-needed one as the young generation now doesn’t show any interest in religion or spiritual activities which are necessary for overall development.

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