Trump Finally Signs Proclamation To Send National Guard To US-Mexico Border

US President Donald Trump on Wednesday went ahead with his plans to post National Guard at the US-Mexico border to fight illegal immigration by signing a proclamation with the order for the deployment of military. He described the situation to have reached “a point of crisis”.

“The lawlessness that continues at our southern border is fundamentally incompatible with the safety, security, and sovereignty of the American people,” Trump wrote in a memo while he was following the procedure to authorize the move, adding that his administration has got “no choice but to act.”

The declaration was made just hours after Trump pledged “strong action today” over immigration and a day after when he said that he wanted to deploy military to secure the border at the southern side till the time his long promised stalled border wall is erected.

The Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen said that she has discussed the issue with the governors of the southwest border states and has been working with them to get the agreements developed that will help oversee where and how many Guardsmen can be deployed.

She expected that there might be arrival of some troops very soon on Wednesday night but other administration officials put up a caution notice about the troop levels, locations and timing as it was still being worked out.

Due to the slow action in building the wall along the Mexican border, Trump was frustrated as it marked his political campaign with a signature promise alongside a recent uptick in border crossings, illegally, which went very low during the early months of his presidency.

The use of active-duty service members for law enforcement inside the US is prohibited by the Federal law least the case is specifically authorized by Congress. But presidents had to send twice its Guard troops in the past 12 years to the border to boost security and help in the surveillance and other support.

According to Nielsen, the effort can be termed to be similar to that of a 2006 operation in which President George W. Bush had to deploy troops for some time in order to help US Customs and Border Protection personnel with non-law enforcement duties other additional border agents needed to be hired and trained. During the tenure of President Barack Obama too, troops were sent numbering about 1,200 in 2010. The troops were sent to beef up efforts against drug smuggling and illegal immigration.

A list of locations have been made to follow like assistance on things like aerial surveillance and other support and was in talks with the government about facilitating the plans. She declined to make any comment about the number of personnel that would be needed or about the cost of the project “It will be as many as is needed to fill the gaps that we have today.”

According to a congressional aide, the lawmakers guess it out that about 300 to 1,200 troops may be deployed and that the cost was expected to be around USD 60 million to USD 120 million a year. The Pentagon too will need an authorization from Congress for any type of funding.

You May Also Read: Trump’s Plan To Set Up Military Guard At US-Mexico Border Faces Strong Disapproval Of Rights Groups

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