Five Lines That Will Get You Rejected At Every Job Interview, Check It Out Here

We all know the struggles associated with finding a new job. It’s a bit challenging to the fresher’s to get into the competitive world at once. Often, getting that first interview is all about who you know, so if you don’t have a connection on the inside, you’re pretty much screwed.

But if you have gone around the block and been rejected a fair number of times then read on to ensure that you’re not saying these following lines during your interview. These can get you booted out of any job any day of the week so avoid them like the plague!

Five Lines That Will Get You Rejected At Every Job Interview

1. Before we begin, can you tell me about the salary and perks on offer?

Well, if you’re going to ask about money even before you have had a chance to understand the job description and whether you fit into it or not, then you’re being greedy and unwanted right from the get-go. While money and perks are important, never ever discuss these unless the interviewer brings it up. By asking about money, you’re telling your potential employer that the job is only for the taking from a monetary perspective.

2. Please don’t ask me any personal questions

Interviewers are bound to ask you questions about your qualifications, previous jobs and other things that may be important to them to gauge if you will fit into the company culture. By asking your interviewer not to get into personal details, you’re raising his/ her suspicion and a verification request might follow your application even if it wasn’t previously required. Not to mention that the job is not for the taking anymore.

3. I’m sorry, I need to take this call

In some places and certain situations, you are required to keep your cell phone out of your hand. Be it a movie theatre or your job interview, don’t be a prick and pick up the phone. Excusing yourself for doing so is not going to cut any ice with your interviewer. They have carved out time from their schedule to evaluate and talk to you. Respect the situation and keep your phone on silent.

4. Can we speed this up? I have another interview scheduled

Okay, you’re desperate for a job. But that doesn’t give you the leeway to cherry-pick your interviews and times according to your whims. When you are in an interview focus on giving your 100 per cent to it rather than freaking out about your other interview. Besides, telling your potential employer you have other interviews is telling him that you don’t value his company to take up a job there. So really, why should he hire you in the first place?

5. So is it a yes or no?

Hold on there tiger. Your interview was not the only one scheduled and you were not the only candidate for the job offer. Asking for the result of your interview as soon as it’s over is a strict no-no. Allow time for the interviewer to evaluate you and leave the interview on a positive note. Do not make any sudden gestures or give deadlines by when you need a positive response. This sounds like a reasonable thing to do but believe us, people have asked employers the above question at the end of an interview. Don’t be that person!

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