Baba Ramdev’s Eye-Opening Tweet Shows How Colgate Is Fooling People Openly!

Baba Ramdev is our times best-known yoga guru. In a short span of time, he has gathered a huge fan following, given that he does carry a wealth of knowledge about yoga and Ayurveda. Recently, there is a lot of craze for his desi brand named ‘Patanjali’.


Yes, with the help of Acharya Balkrishna, he has built a business empire of Patanjali products in the year 2006, and the only aim was contributions of a combination of Ayurveda, ancient wisdom & latest technology to users.

His products have already become quiet popular with health conscious people. Also, these desi products are low cost, and comparatively more affordable than other Ayurvedic products, sold at premium prices.

Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali recorded a whopping turnover of Rs. 5000 crore and they say their next target is Rs. 10,000 crore.


These natural products have become highly popular in the market and have affected the business of MNCs to a great extent. People give preference to these ‘Desi’ and affordable products instead of making use of those products that are filled with chemicals and cause harm.

Now in spite of so much popularity in the market, Baba Ramdev has targeted his rival brand Colgate. Yes, it seems that his post is sure to spark some controversy now. However, he had a valid point which not many of us might have noticed. Want to know what he posted on Twitter? View the post!

Colgate’s new and improved toothpaste have salt and charcoal in it whereas, in 1985, they released an advertisement saying that using salt or coal can be harmful to your teeth. Baba Ramdev has revealed the truth about how MNCs lie for their own benefits.


But it is strange that now Colgate itself has introduced two kinds of toothpaste in the market which have coal and salt as the main ingredients. He wanted to show people how MNCs lie and do business.

So what do you have to say about his tweet?  It is an eye-opening tweet, isn’t it?

Do let us know your comments in our comments section below.

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