Your Downloading Speed Is Always Lesser Than What Your Service Provider Promises! Here Is The Reason
Who doesn’t use internet in present generation ? Internet connection has become a must for every household today. It is worth saying that in today’s generation a person can live without food, water etc; but can’t survive without an internet connection.
The speed of a network is denoted using a bit-per-second notation written bits/second and almost always shortened to b/s. Bits are most commonly represented in the binary system, via 0 and 1. Bit, in fact, is a contraction of the longer phrase “Binary Digit”.
Ever Wonder About Download Speed ?
The Internet Service Provider (ISP) always gives you the speed in terms of Bits per second. When downloading a file from internet, the downloading speed will be shown in Bytes per second.
First of all, let me clear the basic doubt.
1 Mega bits per second = 1 Mbps / 8 = 1024 Kbps / 8 = 128 Kilo Bytes per second (KBps)
Let me take an example to make it simple.
Let us consider you have an internet connection with download speed of 4 Mbps. It means your Internet Service Provider (ISP) provide you 4 Mega bits per second but not 4 Mega Bytes per second. Here knowing the difference between Mega Bit and Mega Byte is the key point.
The little difference between Mbps & MBps is small b Stands for bits & Capital B Stands for Bytes. Now coming to the conversion of bits into bytes, as we all know 1 Byte = 8 bits i.e divide by 8 to convert bits into bytes.
4 Mega bits per second = 4 Mbps / 8 = 4096 Kbps / 8 = 512 Kilo Bytes per second (KBps)
So the actual download speed you get is just 512 KBps (which is equivalent to 4 Mbps) but not 4 MBps.
Is your doubt clarified ? And next time, don’t confuse about your download speed. Share your views in the comments section below.